Well, here it is: the main event. The answer to the deadly Salmon is, of course, a penguin to gobble him up. Thank goodness he’s arrived. He even brought his own ice to chill it over. An excellent starter for Christmas dinner.
I seem like a good hero
The additional damage in the first hit is 170% to each hero that has 1 minion in total are 5 and not 15
If the enemies have two or three minions it is 170% x 1 and going down.
Sounds good to me, if it were 170% for 15 minions I would go straight to Nerf
Strong and balanced.
Looks like Pingu went all Noot Noot. For a fast sniper he surely does a lot of things. He requires a summoner in team though so he needs a little thinking for correct moment. Probably good on defense with Bera/Freya tanks as a flank and in Undead Army wars.
He will be a default in minion wars defense from Jan. Lets see his actual release version
These were the actual damages what I mentioned above of having 12 minions:
962 Boss, 569, 509, 483, 305 Boss, 304, 271 Boss, 240, 160, 98, 43, 1, 1
Total: 3946
The numbers which has “Boss” after it are given to the boss.
The first big hit is the initial 400% damage.
I think the “170%, reduced on each concesutive hits” is something like 170%, 153%, 136%, 119%, 102%, 85%, 68%, 51%, 34%, 17%, 0%, 0%, 0%, … (0% = always damage 1)
I was hoping they would have made a Christmas hero and call it Mr. Grinch. HIs special would be:
- Steals 100% mana from all enemies
- Steals 100% HP from target and nearby enemies
- Steals 100% of useful tiles on game board
- Steals 44% of user’s income for 4 paychecks
- Steals 33% of user’s day for 3 days
- Steals the joy from user
- All are uncleansable and undispellable
You mean it’s 170% for each enemy minion
Then he gon 'go straight to Nerf
This means that he can deal 1335% damage in total + the Frost damage in 3 turns + the damage dealt by his minios.
It is an instant kill for a single opponent for sure, but maybe for two opponents (in raids) too.
I expect there would be copyright reasons for not being able to use the Grinch.
4, 5 and 6 on your list are already covered.
Is it possible for Pengi’s additional hits to hit just one hero?
Why not 100%
And how much is the % for this ?
If there is only one remaining opponent, then it will hit only that one.
If there is more than 1, then it can still hit one, but the chance is decreasing with each hit.
Wtf this hero does WAAAAAY to much for a fast speed. Should be average speed or nerfed in terms of ability.
If the team has 15 minions, he can hit up to 16 times total (initial hit +15 additional hits)?
In fact C.Krampus(lvl23 troop) + Frosth + Pengi will be insane combo.
Maybe I’ll level a 2nd frosth since I kept 4 of him. C.Krampus + Frosth + Frosth + Pengi. Thats 16 hits for Pengi with attack boost from Krampus.
Instead of dealing additional hits to as many random enemies as there are minions owned by allies, it should be nerfed to “deals additional 170% damage to as many enemies as allies that have minions”. That way it caps the number of additional hits to 4.
Or the additional hits should be based on how many minions the enemies have.
The potential for 16 additional hits is broken asfk even if they are reduced dmg.
I wanted more pandas lol but
I love penguins, but unfortunately this one looks like an over-grown lame f***boy penguin
How big is this reduction? If it is by half, the 15th damage will be so low, no?
There is info on damage dealt for the minion damage above if you scroll up a bit