šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Master Emblems, Master Talents and Superior Master Talents [Part of The Beta Beat v67]

One big concern for me is that all of these bells and whistles that make stronger heroes ever stronger is that war matchmaking results in relatively ā€˜fairā€™ events. Iā€™ve completely given up on raiding as I realize that my trickle of spending is good enough to snag low diamond chests, but will never be better. Iā€™m somewhat worried though that I will become a liability to my alliance mates for wars.

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So now we also know why they did nerf the effectiveness off the superior druide miniuns because off this then they would have bumped up the master class miniuns even higher to make it worth somthing! And then these stats boosts per node are totally insane they will create so High buffs to the hereā€™s and specially now with the legendary troops available to and totally dominate the deff and attack in raiding and wars!And then they have to give the season one hero that are already mutch stronger and bigger als the otgers in compare just in stats alone and then the toons totally with ther toon passive! Even stronger effects on the 25de node pff thos game now its really wrecked once it go life in game!

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This is also why I cup drop- raid too high and I just find frustration.

For wars, at least my alliance does still usually encounter a variety of defenses per opponent. There are usually some really tough ones, some average ones, some fairly easy ones - mirroring our allyā€™s own spread of rosters.

But yeah, all this definitely has contributed to me focusing more on PvE than on PvE in this game


I started cup dropping because of this. I used to be a firm ā€œomg you cheater cup droppingā€. (I know itā€™s not cheating).

But I am so much more relaxed and have fun now with raids.
When I was trying to do the best I could, I would get to 3k or 3100k trophies, then when you logoff and come back, you have obviously lost 200, 300 or 400 trophies, and you just want to cry and get angry and question why youā€™re amazing defense did so badly.

But now, I love seeing my cups go down.
For example just now I used a few flasks to finish the POV win 35 tournament challenge, I got my trophies up to about 2900, so it was harder and I was needing to reroll to not get the annoying defenses. When I came back on, I had lost 300 cups, and it was really great to see.

Plus, itā€™s even more hilarious instead of being frustrated when I LOSE a stupidly easy raid because I am getting no tiles :rofl:


Bumping this.

Has SG provided any information regarding resets/compensation for emblems already allocated?

I would feel foolish using a number of reset tokens only to find we were compensated but would be even more upset to not use them and find that it would have been the right thing to do.

Many of my key emblem bottlenecks (the 125 emblem nodes as well as final nodes) are now golden emblems and those are lost in a reset regardless (not going to use Aether reset token for this, too valuable) so perhaps not so many heroes left to worry about (although would certainly not put a golden emblem on the nodes that are currently 125 emblems once the cost drops).

I may have answered my own question, reset the heroes that still have regular emblems at 125/250 nodes, it isnā€™t so many.

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The large gap between players is already at that place though. With alpha aethers available to buy daily practically in the store and in the game, I donā€™t think aether resets being available are going to give them a whole different edge that isnā€™t already there. If anything as just a reward somehow, would be nice because players like myself that donā€™t spend a lot would benefit more from at least being able to get one every once in a while.

Iā€™ve been playing since the game started. Watched loot tickets and emblems and SH 25 be introduced etc., but itā€™s never been like it is now. Before we worried about power creeps but this is an entirely different game. I run an alliance of 30 people and we have all been around a while and have pretty decent rosters and chain 14* titans. But we arenā€™t a top 100 team and just want to try and enjoy the game - which is pretty difficult considering the meta. Our war score is around 173K right now but we constantly are fighting alliances with higher ones and who seem extremely overpowered. This is the first time, in all the years, that there are days I donā€™t even want to log in. Iā€™m watching friends Iā€™ve known for years quit and talk about how theyā€™re just so done with wasting time. I canā€™t sink any more monetary effort into this game, Iā€™ve gave it everything else I have though and struggle against almost every team I see. A lot of the heroes I limit broke originally canā€™t even survive in war - so what are we supposed to do then? I guess their answer is to acquire more materials but thatā€™s impossible either way to do it quickly enough without spending. Aether resets being available in loot would at LEAST help somewhat. Iā€™ve been trying to get a 5* yellow aether to finish Toon Vivicaā€™s lvl 90 limit break for months. She is one of the few decent new heroes that I have. Itā€™s just a frustrating situation. Theyā€™re going to just keep losing players that have been here the longest, and they donā€™t even care.


Simple solution: there wonā€™t be a cost reduction in emblems, itā€™s just a beta thing like buildings taking 3s to complete or dragon portal costing like 10 gems. They need beta testers to actually engage with the stuff to get their metrics, but they absolutely donā€™t care if live players are locked out of content for being poor.


Same conclusion for me.
Also going to reset a lot of 4*ā€™s that have coasted along fully clothed without contributing.

Have about 40 resets and will force myself to use half just because pushing myself to make that decision is a hassle if I am not in the mood for it

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Changes about Master Emblems:

  • Health nodes give +50 health instead of +90.
  • Food and Iron cost is added for 1 and 2 star heroes.

Sadly, you summed up our situation perfectly.



Its rather absurd with the current gap in power since the inception of 2LB and where we are today.

Clear example below.

Green knight was my 1st 2LB character, but look at him in comparison to Lemonwood!!! Wtf???

Plusā€¦for F2P folks, how tf can you compete just starting the game, when vanilla s1 5*s still appear in p2p portals.


Lemonwood destroyed one of my best attack teams in war, basically all one shot. I had to sit there and figure out exactly how he even had that much power, itā€™s just wild how strong they are. The fact vanilla S1 heroes are still in portals is frustrating. I pulled Elena and Richard over the last few weeks out of new portals. Sure I can use them for SE, but thats not helping the current situation. I donā€™t expect to get great pulls all the time, but just would at least like to have a chance to make some decent progress.

I love Farrah though, what a super hero. Whatā€™s also frustrating is - ok and I am not trying to sell a conspiracy - but itā€™s almost like the game knows exactly what I need and refuses to give it to me. I need to finish two 5* troops, for two months I havenā€™t been able to get any of the color troop feeders besides one here and there. We are allowed to feed different color heroes to advanced heroes, so why not troops? And the expensive HA troop training never got lowered, so in this situation itā€™s just really expensive to get anything finished. I refuse to buy any trainer troops either - Iā€™m not doing myself any favors but itā€™s just the principle at this point.


Nailed it! Theyā€™ve made the acceleration too fast. Iā€™m pretty sure emblems will be the thing makes me quit. Just not fun to flush money this month that is worthless next month.


This could be a good idea for gaming experience, but this might be glory to boring control defenses, but why a new type of emblems ? Anything new to buy to be competitive after alpha aethers and legendary troops. We are not all Saoudiansā€¦

Ahead of these coming soon, can anyone just confirm if these slots can be filled with golden emblems or not?

I recall seeing the below, but I also have it somewhere in the back of my mind that it was not intended behavior for golden emblems to be able to substitute master emblemsā€¦

EDIT: Sorry Ufeel for the ping, I just quoted from yours, but didnā€™t mean to reply to you :joy:

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They can be replaced with Golden emblems.


Curious if the ham/iron cost of 1-20 talent nodes will be reduced, and by what amount? if it is less than 20% of current, then it might be worth recalling them. wanted to see if anyone knew.

i should recall a bunch on heros i donā€™t use but i care less about this game daily. also, great, dragonspire in beta, that should about seal it for me

i forgot to check ,so will 8th node on talent be reduced from 125 to 80 emblems too?

did someone check it in beta or know ?

So in order to max S1 with all costumes, you need:

  • Max base (4* AM needed);
  • Max talent grid;
  • Perform First Limit Break (Aethers required);
  • Perform Second Limit Break (Alpha Aethers, regular 3* - 5* Aethers and 4* AM required);
  • Max all costumes (just tedious, though 3* AM might be bottleneck for some);
  • LB 1+2 costumes if one wants to use those (which also requires extra Alpha Aether, 5* Aether and 4* AM for second LB);
  • Max master talents.

Did I miss anything? Isnā€™t this too much?


Summon the 3 costumes