Changes to existing recipes are noted as
and new.old -
New recipes are noted with the
NOTE: Transmutation Times in Beta are for testing purposes only. Therefore I don’t know what the actual times will be, and have intentionally omitted them.
Building Level 1
Recipe 1A: Transmute COMMON Crafting Materials into different COMMON Crafting Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as three possible items by using four different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 4000 Food | 1h | 1x 1* Crafting |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
2 | ![]() |
1 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Crafting Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2
Recipe 1B: Transmute UNCOMMON Crafting Materials from COMMON Crafting Materials
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
1h | 1x 2* Crafting |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
2 | ![]() |
1 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Crafting Material.
Ingredients required: 12
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2
Building Level 2
Recipe 2A: Transmute COMMON Battle Items into different COMMON Battle items
@zephyr1’s observation: Because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 10000 Food | 2h | 1x 1* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
4 | ![]() |
2 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Battle Item.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 2
Recipe 2B: Transmute UNCOMMON Battle Items from COMMON Battle Items
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
2h | 1x 2* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
4 | ![]() |
2 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Battle Item.
Ingredients required: 10
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 4
Building Level 3
Recipe 3A: Transmute COMMON Ascension Materials into different COMMON Ascension Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: This Recipe can be used for producing Adventurer’s Kits/Backpacks from other Common Ascension Materials (Training Manuals, Rugged Clothes, and Practice Swords). That was a frequent request during the original Alchemy Lab Beta, but was previously not implemented in the first version of Alchemy Lab released to the live game. And because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 15500 Food | 3h | 1x 1* Ascension Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
7 | ![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a COMMON Ascension Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 7
Recipe 3B: Transmute UNCOMMON Ascension Materials from COMMON Ascension Materials
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
3h | 1x 2* Ascension Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Ascension Material.
Ingredients required: 18
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 7
Building Level 4
Recipe 4A: Transmute UNCOMMON Crafting Materials into different UNCOMMON Crafting Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using four different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 32000 Food | 6h | 1x 2* Crafting Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
15 | ![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Crafting Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 15
Recipe 4B: Transmute RARE Crafting Materials from UNCOMMON Crafting Materials
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
6h | 1x 3* Crafting Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.
Ingredients required: 8
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 15
Building Level 5
Recipe 5A: Transmute UNCOMMON Battle Items into different UNCOMMON Battle Items
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all of the other items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 67000 Food | 12h | 1x 2* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
30 | ![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Battle Item.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 30
Recipe 5B: Transmute RARE Battle Items from UNCOMMON Battle Items
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
1x 3* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.
Ingredients required: 7
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 30
Building Level 6
Recipe 6A: Transmute UNCOMMON Ascension Materials into different UNCOMMON Ascension Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using four different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 93300 Food | 15h | 1x 2* Ascension Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
41 | ![]() |
14 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an UNCOMMON Ascension Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 41
Recipe 6B: Transmute RARE Ascension Materials from UNCOMMON Ascension Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: as with the current live Alchemy Lab, this Recipe can only produce FARMABLE Ascension Materials, i.e. Battles Manuals, Chainmail Shirts, Scabbards, and Tall Boots. As such, it likely remains largely useless for most players, as most people typically have large stockpiles of these materials by the time they’d be able to Build and Research Alchemy Lab Level 6.
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
1x 3* FARMABLE Ascension Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
14 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing one of the following RARE Ascension Materials:
- Battle Manual
- Chainmail Shirt
- Scabbard
- Tall Boots
Ingredients required: 15
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 41
Building Level 7
Recipe 7A: Transmute RARE Crafting Materials into different RARE Crafting Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all the different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 170k Food | 1d | 1x 3* Crafting Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
67 | ![]() |
23 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Crafting Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 67
Recipe 7B: Transmute EPIC Crafting Materials from RARE Crafting Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: this is the first existing Recipe that doesn’t have a reduced Food cost. The Recipes after this one have increased Food costs, so this appears to be the inflection point.
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
1d | 1x 4* Crafting Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
23 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Crafting Material.
Ingredients required: 5
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 67
Building Level 8
Recipe 8A: Transmute RARE Battle Items into different RARE Battle Items
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using all the different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 372k Food | 2d | 1x 3* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
135 | ![]() |
45 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing a RARE Battle Item.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 135
Recipe 8B: Transmute EPIC Battle Items from RARE Battle Items
@zephyr1’s observation: this is the first existing Recipe that has an increased Food cost — though the gem cost has been eliminated.
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
2d | 1x 4* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
45 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Battle Item.
Ingredients required: 5
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 135
Building Level 9
Recipe 9A: Transmute EPIC Crafting Materials into different EPIC Crafting Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to a single particular item by using the other two different items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 4 Ingredients + 627k Food | 3d | 1x 4* Crafting Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
225 | ![]() |
75 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Crafting Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient except when all the different possible ingredients are selected.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 225
Recipe 9B: Transmute EPIC Battle Items from into different EPIC Battle Items
@zephyr1’s observation: this Recipe breaks the pattern, in that all the other “B” Recipes before it are existing ones for upgrading the rarity of an item. Instead, this is a new Recipe for Transmuting an item into another item of the same Rarity, like all of the “A” Recipes before it. The equivalent of the existing Level 9 has instead moved to 10A. Like the other same-rarity Recipes before it, because this Transmutation will never produce the same item as used as an ingredient, it’s possible to limit the output to as few as two possible items by using all of the other items as ingredients.
Recipe Research |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
4 Ingredients + 641k Food | 3d | 1x 4* Battle Item |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
225 | ![]() |
75 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Battle Item.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required: 4
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 225
Building Level 10
Recipe 10A: Transmute RARE Ascension Materials into different RARE Ascension Materials
@zephyr1’s observation: this Recipe is the equivalent of the existing Level 9 Recipe.
It breaks the pattern of the other Recipes, however, in that it’s been moved from Level 9 to Level 10. I have no idea how this will work when released to the live game for people who’ve Built and Researched Level 9, but not Level 10 — perhaps they’ll just lose access to it until upgrading, and then it will still have the Research completed once they unlock the Building Level?, but with the 5% chance for an EPIC Ascension Material removed.Like the existing version of this Recipe, it allows Transmuting FARMABLE Ascension Materials into UNFARMABLE Ascension Materials. Because of that, while it’s named akin to Recipes used for Transmuting items to other items of the same rarity, it’s effectively a Recipe for upgrading items. This is actually reflected in the game iconography, as this Recipe has the
icon instead of
While the 150 gem fee has been removed, the Food cost has been MASSIVELY increased — from 168k to 2650k.The Alkashard production has also been hugely increased, from 450 to 1050; that’s notable not only for the absolute increase, but also for jumping from 4.5% of the Alkashards needed to Combine to 105%, because of the reduction in required Alkashards for Combining from 10000 to 1000.
Recipe Research |
3105k Food, 7d 0h |
| Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
| :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
| 100 gems [gems were completely removed, and then re-added] + 12 Ingredients + 150 gems168k 125k Food | 7d | 1x UNFARMABLE 3* Ascension Material |2650k
@zephyr1’s observation:
NOTE: The Ingredients are Rare FARMABLE Ascension Materials, and the output is a random Rare UNFARMABLE Ascension Material. So you’re trading from Chainmail Shirts, Battle Manuals, Scabbards, and Tall Boots to a random Compass, Gloves, Orb, Hidden Blade, Trap Tools, Cape, or Shield.
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
350 |
This transmutation recipe has a 5% chance of producing an EPIC Ascension Material.
This transmutation recipe has a 95% chance of producing one of the following RARE Ascension Materials:
- Compass
- Fine Gloves
- Hidden Blade
- Orb of Magic
- Sturdy Shield
- Trap Tools
- Warm Cape
Ingredients required: 12
Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 1050
Recipe 10B: Transmute EPIC Ascension Materials from into different EPIC Ascension Materials
@zephyr1’s observation:
while this Recipe also is notable, like the one before it, for the elimination of gems and replacement with a massive Food cost, as well as the large increase in Alkashard production — the biggest change is that it takes TWO 4* Ascension Materials to get ONE, instead of being an even one-for-one trade like the old version of the Recipe.
While that’s arguably fair, given the eliminated gem cost and increased Alkashard production, it’s hard not to come away from the experience feeling slighted, even if you get what you wanted. Feedback so far in Beta would seem to agree — many players have noted they don’t like losing out on a 4* Ascension Material in the trade.
The one upside of requiring 2 Ascension Materials is you can choose different ones, which reduces the possible output to one of 5 Ascension Materials instead of 6, slightly increasing the odds of getting what you want. But that would seem to be at a very heavy cost of reducing your overall pool of 4* Ascension Materials by one.
Recipe Research |
3127k Food, 14d 0h |
Transmutation Costs | Transmutation Time | Output |
7d | 1x 4* Ascension Material |
Alkashards | Alkashard Boost Cost | Extra Alkashards if Boost Purchased |
![]() |
350 |
This transmutation recipe has a 100% chance of producing an EPIC Ascension Material.
This transmutation will never result in the same item that was used as an ingredient.
Ingredients required:
12Items produced: 1
Alkashards produced: 1050