đŸ§Ș Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

These Green heroes should buff at least little bit more if compare to Tellytubbby

need buff a little more, at least
Regenerate Hp, or
All enemies received 298 Shadow Kill damage for 2 turns, or
the dodge 20-90% applied to normal damage and special skill

Guardian chameleon
To buff a little more, at least
Regenerate Hp, or
Summons little Chameleons to all alllies of 10% Hp & attack



These Green heroes should buff at least little bit more if compare to Tellytubbby

need buff a little more, at least
Regenerate Hp, or
All enemies received 298 Shadow Kill damage for 2 turns, or
the dodge 20-90% applied to normal damage and special skill

Guardian chameleon
To buff a little more, at least
Regenerate Hp, or
Summons little Chameleons to all alllies of 10% Hp & attack


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There would be no point in the extra red defense because hardly anyone uses her on defense and if they do, well
 they shouldn’t. The extra damage against blue would be nice actually but without it it’s not a deal breaker from my point of view.

Dodge for all at very fast speed would be too much in my opinion.

I honestly think this last iteration of her makes her an interesting HoTM. Absolutely not a top one, but very interesting and with certain uses. Very fast 150% damage to 3 on 800+ attack stat is a very solid special. I’ll give her tonics if she comes out like this


What do you guys think about atomos as tank? The defence and health are ok but not great


Not everything is about defence

There are some seriously worthwhile hero’s that honesty suck on defence - some even look deliberately built to be attacking only (Lady Locke, for example).


Nope, she has no place on defense. She only has a place on the team for attack - war/raids/titans/tourney/events.

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marge needs a little more buff I suppose, she is still frail compared to other hotms. Possible buffs might be adding:

  • Shadow minions (15%hp, %15 att) on her and nearbys or
  • HoT like 411 hp for her and nearbys or
  • Dodge from tiles too or
  • Dodge all team from special skills damage or
  • Dodge from entire special skill for her and nearbys
    Any one of these additions will make her comparable to other hotms.

Once again vote vote vote!!
We only just need that Buff to kill Vela faster in Telletubby team.


This makes no sense sorry

Please tell me what was the purpose of Margaret before this change? Increasing titan tile damage?
Some heroes don’t have any purpose. This is why we are going to have a balance change; to give heroes some meaning.

Dodge is self explanatory : it’s a defensive skill. And Margaret shouldn’t be in defens team?

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YEAAAHH Margo Margo Margo Margo !!!

margaret was my first 5 star
and i am fond of her.
I hope we can take a good revenge

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Defensive skill, that applies both in defense and offense
but imo, I prefer Margie on affense as she is, just because I would have good control of when to apply her dodge.

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The proposed for margaret looks good, folk are just getting power hungry wanting more and more out of her. If the proposed go through then I’m actually looking forward for the first time ever to levelling mine and using her. She was my first 5* hero so this will be some late redemption finally getting to use her


Actually in saying that, the one thign she could do with to avoid people still firing tiles at her is to dodge normal attacks too


The buff given to Margaret is already very good. I think you are forgetting that she is VERY fast. With the addition of her getting an attack 3 with a HUGE attack stat, she is going to make an amazing member of an attack team.

Remember, dodge abilities aren’t really ideal for defense teams in the first place. She is going to be fantastic in offense


When a dodge hero is on a defense team, it’s an easy win for me. Just don’t be stupid and aim your abilities on them for a turn or two and knock out the rest of the team in that time.

The AI is not smart enough to place a dodge strategically.

On offense, I can strategically use Margaret’s ability to successfully dodge scary attacks. High hitting abilities like Liana and other snipers are near the 90% side of the dodge so defensive snipers are nearly useless when you have Margaret on offense.

Unfortunately, before the buff, that dodge was not useless enough on its own. Margaret needed MORE support to fill a support role. So she didn’t really fit in anywhere, hence the constant posts of people saying Margaret needs to be buffed. Now that she does 150% damage on 3 heroes with her high attack stat with very fast speed, she finally fills the support role to successfully utilize her dodge ability.

That’s why dodge works better as an offensive ability than a defensive ability


Boni Kill means a dispell

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Im very well aware about her mana and current buff, just lets get agree to disagree on buff topic because seems like you already mentioned on different posts in this topic that she is fine now and simply my opinion is not in that direction

Margaret is looking good, but I agree needs just a little more. I like the idea of attacking a dispeller. Something like this at the end of the Dodge buff “If this status is dispelled, attack the dispeller with 150% damage.”

The point of her being buffed is that she wasn’t fulfilling a role well enough beforehand.

Defensive doesn’t necessarily mean “on defence only” - dodge, like healing, is for self preservation

A hero like Margaret with exceptionally high tile damage is squishy - dodge helps keep her on the field.
When she dies, you keep her tile damage, but you can’t buff it - if you’re gearing up to kill things with tiles (eg: bring Tarlak and Margaret together) then you want them alive.
On top of that, anything she dodges is an attack that doesn’t kill her (or another hero, if she’s already down) - it’s all useful tactically

As long as the hero overall is balanced and helpful to have around.

At very fast, this beta proposed version keeps herself alive with dodge and does damage too
 But she’s still squishy.

That can be an excellent attacking hero but not very good on defence.


Not every hero worth ascending has a place on a defence team.

Many hero’s are judged by their defensive capabilities because it’s the main time you meet them in action as opponents
 It’s easy to ignore hero’s that don’t impress you on opponents defence teams, but that can be a mistake.