đŸ§Ș Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Sounds interesting! She ‘hides in shadow’ anyway and she’s a rouge class
 it applies nicely :slight_smile: Rogues are good at backstabbing (extra dmgs)


Same with boss wolf.

I’ve got Tyr, JF and Khagan available to ascend, and Grazul, Ares, Marjana, and C. Elena ascended already. If they’d made Khagan average mana, he’d be pretty attractive, and Tyr seems good too.

Guardian Owl still sucks at extra slow. Meanwhile Guardian Kong is becoming better than Zim with the cleanse. What the hell is going on?

Glad Atomos seems viable, maybe too viable. That’s a huge swing. At standard maybe the maximum is too much.

Geez, Margaret is pretty good now. She just got two major buffs.

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The colorchange on Guardian chameleon is a novelty function with no real tactical use, making it 1turn longer duration is pretty much like ”changing the size of the eyes on the picture or changing the name of the special skill from elemental magic to element magic”.

A 780power super rare event legendary are supposed to be powerful.
GC has no self defense, no attack and are pretty squishy
 , ok a medium attack boost, a purge and some extra critboost are ok, but the little extra ”ooompf!” the newest super rare legendary 780 should have to make the card viable in either attack-defense-vs titans-in PVE events is completely missing.

This game are stacking up on dots, hots, buffs and debuffs
 but where is the ”faster than average purger+support hero to meet this demand?..

Easy, make GC fast
 pls no more novelty changes.


Margret goes in the right direction, but that the buff from Khagan and Horgh was again removed is a joke.
Slow heroes should do considerable damage when they fire - currently everybode just laughts at these two, even after the special hit.

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You are forgetting that the damage is based on mana and it will hardly ever be on 100%. Don’t mix different damages please

Still Telluria, she was on different level, after the nerf, she will be just the best. With Atomos buff comes more diversity to the game. I love seeing new heroes you can fight against in the raid. The Telly, Vela, Grave defense is there over and over again
 And i bet that this is the aim of SGG, to make the game more diverse. Thumbs up.


Ok, name some please. Thx

Do you know Justice? :smiley:

Khagan at average speed to counter Telly., a kind of regular joe?..hmmm 
how about an expensive guy like Kong to do the job


Margaret’s dodge should affect all heroes.


That’d be too broken if she’s very fast. I know her dodge is worse let’s say Inari’s, but Inari is average. I think she’s fine as is now in beta.


These stats of Margaret don’t allow her to be a tank. Also if you use it on wing it means you are not use her full potential because your skill only dodges nearby allies; so there is only one available position for her and that is right flank. Because she doesn’t decrease enemies defence nor dispell enemies buff. For that limited positioning she needs something more.

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Nerfs and the weakening of heroes, especially event heroes and heroes of the month, for the capture of which people spend money, for the pumping of which spend unrealistically rare resources, should not be carried out !!! Only an upgrade is possible, instead you need to think about the balance of the game, about how to change outdated event heroes 
 The game is killed by the greed of developers !!! The event, which is held once a month, and as a reward in it in the form of a hero is received by one person !!! What nonsense! Balance in wars, balance in raids, where is he? He is not there! And these nerfs are the last straw, I could not expect such a swine in relation to the players even from this, spoiled greed and unprofessionalism of the game developers!

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I agree, Snow White needs a buff. I was thinking her dispel should remove minions as well since they have practically become the new meta. Otherwise she’s practically useless

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These are all buffs or neutral balance changes. The nerf thread is that way >>>>>>

It’s not greed if they’re changing existing heroes. They aren’t charging extra for new versions. If they were acting purely on greed they’d let the old ones rot and keep bringing out newer, shinier, more powerful heroes so that any you got six months ago would be simply unusable now. They aren’t doing that to us. Of course they’re after your money, they’re a business, is that really a bad thing? But they’re not so blatantly all out for the short term profit as they are currently being accused of. Let’s be cynical and say they’ve calculated that more people will keep playing if they do update the old favourites than will flounce because newer, more expensive heroes aren’t far enough in the lead. (Whether they’re doing it right is another question; well, that’s what we’re all on this thread for innit!)

And let us never forget that putting money into this game just speeds things up. It never guarantees anything. It’s also perfectly possible to complete all the content, and even to be successful in PVP, without ever spending one currency unit. This is not true of all mobile games.


I don’t get the Captain of Diamonds:
As it is now, it destroys all minions of an opponent and continues to do so until it hits an opponent without minions.
In the update it might hit more times (since minions aren’t all destroyed and the chain can continue longer), but you only use the CoD for eliminating minions, not for the ‘amazing’ damage

I think I miss something :upside_down_face:

Telly resists minion removal so before that CoD would have stopped if he hit Telly because he couldnt kill the minion. Now it goes on even if the target resists minion removal.

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