šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

I havenā€™t tested extensively, but hereā€™s what I saw in Beta:

  • Telluria and 3 allies alive
  • All have 1 Minion
  • Target Telluria and fire Captain of Diamonds
  • Telluria hit, then each of the other allies (whose Minions are destroyed AND they take damage), then Telluria hit a second time

So, in upshot, all Minions but Telluriaā€™s were destroyed, every ally got hit, and Telluria got hit twice (though her Minions absorb damage first).

EDIT: I reproduced this again, with all 4 allies alive.

EDIT 2: after testing several more times, I finally managed to get a case where CoD targeted a previous target instead of a new one.


This part I quoted was wrong:

@zephyr1, well that is a question for @Vikingblood80, he said like that, and I just ask a confirmation to you or any other beta tester.

Wait, it means it can continue not only 5x hits right? @zephyr1? as long as they have minnions, it means it continue hits until one of enemy minion destroyed and stopped after that?

Yes, as I noted above, Telluria actually gets hit twice in my testing when targeting her.

First her, then each other ally, then her again.

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Great upgrade for Capt Diamond :+1: I would start leveling him. Thanks @zephyr1

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After several more times testing, I finally managed to get a case where CoD hit an ally twice instead of hitting each once and Telluria twice.

This seems to confirm what @Kaenguru said, but I still got 5 hits out of CoDā€˜S Special Skill in that case.

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Ok I have got my Captain of Diamonds sat at 3/60. Then I parked him on the roster bench because he was just pants.
Are we now saying he is a good hero to have on max?Why? With emblems?

I would say heā€™s now a more interesting counter to teams with team-wide Minion Summoners.

He probably wouldnā€™t be on a first-choice team against Telluria, but I bet more people will get use out of him on later War hits now.

One funny side effect of the reduction in Telluriaā€™s Minion HP is that itā€™s a little tricky not to kill them accidentally while charging CoD if he isnā€™t already charged when Telluria fires.

I had to set her off intentionally a few times to manage to test him with a Minion on all enemies.


Thanks for the effort @zephyr1!

Thatā€™s the same behavior he has presently, except for the Tell issue which is fixed now :slight_smile:

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Atomos is a bit overpowered now with latest changes. 290% max direct damage on all enemies+resurrection at average speed. If they are going to change mana speed to average then they have to bring back the other changes they made back to normal.


So he just went from worst hero ever to OP?

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Btw, what about boss Atomos? He was kinda pain as he was, will he be also be buffed?

Thanks for the clarification about Captian of Diamonds @zephyr1


I wouldnt say overpowered. His mana condition thing ensures that he will never do his max dmg. And about that revive, Tyr has it on FAST speed and he is not called overpowered.


Bummer, thatā€™s Gormek back to being worse than Wilbur at everything - no titan niche now.
(Okay heā€™s useful as a riposte sponge, but thatā€™s real niche).


If Kadilen gets a costume that gives her a fast AOE attack AND nearly the same special that Inari has at average speed, itā€™s overdue that Inari gets a buff. I have been vocal multiple times in the past that Inari needs a buff and if Kadilen is going to take her special at fast speed (with an aoe attack), then itā€™s damn time Inari gets a buff!


Gosh, a buff for Atomos at last. My first, and for a long time my only, Atlantis 5*. Heā€™s been sitting at 1.1 since he was introduced to the game. Now I may even shuffle him into the queue. That is to say, when Iā€™ve finished Melendorā€™s costume, Telluria, Shrubbear, Jack Oā€™Hare, Tarlak, Muggy and Kadilen, I may consider Atomos before going on to Gadeirus, G. Chameleon, Elkanen, Gobbler, Skittleskull and duplicate Melendor and Jack, instead of after if at all. (A sensible person would do the dupes sooner but I have a prejudice in favour of unique heroes. G. Chameleon is low in the list because I donā€™t trust myself to use it properly, and given the comments in this thread if the adjustment sticks it wonā€™t be helpful.)

If I happen to pull something jolly in green meanwhile the above is up for re-ordering.


Thank you game developers for keeping Gormek that same and not reducing his hitpoints. He was unique with his high hitpoints and not breaking the game in any way.

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You guys have to remember the fact that Tyr only does damage to one hero while Atomos does damage to everyone. It makes a lot of difference. and 290% damage on all is a significant amount of damage + her resurrection makes sure she doesnā€™t die.

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