🧪 Early Information on General Hero Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Great! :+1:
So, this means… if enemies have all minions, and I hit one of enemie, then the target is detroyed all its minions and hit all other enemies (not detroying minions). Correct?
Well, seems okay, will level him after my 3rd Kiril at 3.60.

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What about a Buff for Grimble? Give him a Boni Kill and he would be so usefull against Telluria! Think about it, please!

Ah, good! Gormek’s niche as the high-health pulverizer is restored :slight_smile: I always put him beside Elena now, the low-defense/high-health stats are good for riposting.

With average mana Atomos would be a beast.

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Not sure what a Boni Kill is, but he’s already quite useful against Telluria with a good mana troop. Takes out all the minions (except Telluria’s own), gives the rest of your attack team additional mana, and higher chance for critical attack if Dark. If you passed on leveling him before, Telluria should change your mind.

So excited for this change !!!

No. If Captain hits a target with minions then Captain does another hit.

Atomos looks good now. Thx. Pretty happy with the latest changes

Well, that means a YES, because I already said at 1st that all enemies have minions.
But you make it more clear in that case, which is great :+1:

Thank you @zephyr1 for keeping us updated!
Coming to the topic, I still think that Khagan and Jean Francois (which is left inexplicably unchanged) are the worst red 5* in the game. Khagan should get average mana charging, maybe with lower damage and/or lower mana and defense buff. Jean Francois should have initial damage or at least a higher DOT, since it is dispellable. Compare JF with Clarissa or Vela or Gravemaker and you can see that he is a joke, not an hero…
Horghall is still useless despite the increased damage… maybe make him average mana and hit only three enemies? Last, even though I do not have him, I think Thoth-Amun is quite weak and could be buffed… I hope SGG will fix also JF and Thoth soon


You said first that the minion of the first target is destroyed…that is not true if the damage is not high enough…but Captain of diamonds will do the next hit…regardless of whether a minion was destroyed. His new update says nothing about destroyed minions…that is why I replied.

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Well great you mention this, why not at 1st… this is what I asked.
So Capt Diamond now can not destroy minion in the 1st target? :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:
Well, this means a complete nerf! I will continue to ascend my 3rd Kiril instead leveling him… lol.

@zephyr1 or any other beta tester can confirm this?

FYI, this is 3 skill Capt Diamond currently:

  1. Destroys all minions from the target
  2. Deals 260% damage to the target
  3. Attacks randomly a new target if any minions were destroyed

So, I thought they only change the 3rd skill right?

Much ado about nothing. LOL He will stay on my bench until the Tavern of Legends event.

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Yes he can…but only if his damage is strong enough…lets say the minion has 200 health and he does 300 damage then the minion is killed…but not removed. If the minion has 300 health and he does only 200 damage then the minion is still alive. In his current version he would not attack a second target if the minion was not killed. Got it? So he will be stronger after the update.

It is different than Gobbler and Grimble who “remove” minions…regardless of their health.

So may be you are right and he will destroy the minions of the first target…it is not clear in this thread if only last part was changed.

Anyway…never aim at Telluria first with him. :smiley:

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Seems to me the change to Captain is done specifically to combat Telluria’s minion removal resistance.
When Cap targets Telluria her minions will not be removed outright, but Cap will still do some damage, then Cap will randomly hit another target. I suppose it’s even possible he comes back around and hits Telluria again.


Atomos change is good. Capitan needs more attack in special skill 330-350%

Still holding out hope for a Sargasso buff one day! I just can’t see a reason to use him as he is now. Undispellable, 100% healing reduction would do the trick.

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Let me clarify because these are both a bit wrong.

Pest Control

  • Destroys all Minions from the target.
  • Deals 260% damage to the target.
  • Attacks randomly a new target if hit a target with Minions.

He still destroys all Minions.

What’s different is he’ll continue even if he hit a target with Minions and couldn’t destroy any — think Telluria.

Against a Telluria team, if all enemies have at least 1 Minion, he’ll destroy all but Telluria’s (she’s resistant), but will still hit everyone anyway, because failing to destroy Telluria’s Minions won’t stop him.


@zephyr1 Not necessarily, he may hit target 1, than target 2 and then target 1 again and stop because 1 didn’t have any minions left

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Where is I’m wrong? :thinking:
So, after you clarify this, that means I’m correct.
Capt Diamond destroy all minnion to the target (excapt Telluria which is resist).
Then, hit all others 4 enemies (which all enemies have minnion).