🐉 Dragonspire - Buildings (Watchtower, Storage buldings, Hatchery, Dragon Forge, Quarry and Fishery)

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the new Dragonspire Buildings Overview and each bulidings itself.

r for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:clipboard: List of new available Dragonbase buildings

The following 9 buildings are availabe in Dragonspire

Building Image Description
Dragonspire The base of operations of your Dragon empire.
Watchtower Watchtower stores the resources collected from captured Outposts and you can capture more to increase the production rate. The storage capacity is only used by the Watchtower.
Dragonstone Storage A building used to store Dragonstone The storage capacity adds to the base maximum capacity.
Egg Storage A building used for housing Dragonlings. The storage capacity adds to the base maximum capacity.
Fish Storage A building used to store Fish. The storage capacity adds to the base maximum capacity.
Fishery A building that produces Fish. The storage capacity is only used by this building.
Quarry A building that produces Dragonstone. The storage capacity is only used by this building.
Dragon Forge A building where various Dragon Battle Items can be crafted.
Hatchery Hatchery allows Dragonlings to be trained into Dragons.
  • Each building have exactly 10 levels.
  • There are no other building such as “Mystic Vision Tower” in Dragonspire view.
  • The second builder from VIP pass is applies here too.
  • Speedups can be used to reduce crafting, training and building times.
  • You can read more information about them here:


Click here for details

Similarly to Stronghold this building has storage capacity too:

  • 10000 Fish
  • 10000 Dragonstone
  • 30 Dragonlings

Upgrading the Dragonspire unlocks more are for buildings and increases the maximum level for their upgrades.

None of the others building can have higher level than the Dragonlings.

:arrow_up: Dragonspire Upgrade Costs

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Unlocks
1 - - Watchtower
1 Dragon Forge
1 Dragonstone Storage
1 Fishery
1 Quarry
2 Free 3 sec 4 more area for:
1 Drangonstone Storage
1 Egg storage
1 Fish Storage
1 Hatchery,
3 40000 6 sec 4 more area for:
1 Dragon Forge
1 Fishery
1 Fish Storage
1 Quarry
4 120K 9 sec -
5 571K 1 day -
6 929K 7 days 4 more area for:
1 Dragonstone Storage
1 Egg Storage
1 Fish Storage
1 Hatchery
7 3012K 20 days -
8 5365K 26 days -
9 8642K 28 days -
10 9000K 30 days 4 more area for:
1 Egg storage
1 Fishery
1 Fish Storage
1 Hatchery

Total numbers of Buildings per type

  • Watchtower: 1
  • Dragon Forge: 2
  • Dragonstone Storage: 3
  • Egg Storage: 3
  • Fish Storage: 3
  • Fishery: 3
  • Hatchery: 3
  • Quarry: 2

Maximumum storage capacity of your base:

  • Fish: 10 Million
  • Dragonstone: 10 Million
  • Dragonlings: 558


Click here for details
  • This building is similar to the Watchtower in the Regular base.
  • If you want to do Dragon Raids, then you need to build this building as without it Dragon Raids and Dragon Raid Energy is disabled.
  • You can review your raids and raid attacks on your base in this buildings.
  • You can revenge the succesfull attacks on your base, and you check the teams used for each raid.
  • This building produces Dragonstone and Fish, and it has some storage capacity.
  • The storage capacity is only used by the Watchtower.
  • You can collect the produced Dragonstone and Fish once a hour.
  • Similarly to Season 1 in the regular game at the end each Area there is an Outpost, and each of them are increasing the production with 5%.
  • There are 22 Areas, but most likely we have only 21 Outposts, so the production increase maximum is +105%.

:arrow_up: Watchtower Upgrade Costs

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Fish Storage
(Addon from previous level)
Dragonstone Storage
(Addon from previous level)
Fish Production / Hour
(Addon from previous level)
Dragonstone Production / Hour
(Addon from previous level)
1 250 3 sec 17184< 16752 494 482
2 4000 6 sec 28848
3 20000 9 sec 50304
4 100K 3 hours 77760
5 476K 1 day 99456
6 775K 6 days 146160
7 2508K 15 days 176304
8 4470K 19 days 12 hours 241920
9 6000K 21 days 283104
10 8697K 22 days 12 hours 335328

Storage related buildings

There are three Stoage rated buildings.

Dragonstone Storage

Click here for details

You have 3 Dragonstone Storage in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 1
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 2
  • 3 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 6

:arrow_up: Dragonstone Storage Upgrade Costs

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Capacity Addon from previous level
1 250 3 sec 26600 +16600
2 6000 4000 6 sec 80000 +53400
3 40000 20000 9 sec 100K +20000
4 129K 100K 3 hours 300K +200K
5 381K 12 hours 500K +200K
6 619K 18 hours 1100K +600K
7 2008K 1 day 1800K +700K
8 3575K 2 days 2900K +1100K
9 5759K 3 days 3100K +200K
10 6958K 4 days 3330K +230K

Egg Storage

Click here for details

You have 3 Egg Storage in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 2
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 6
  • 3 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 10

:arrow_up: Egg Storage Upgrade Costs

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Capacity Addon from previous level
1 250 3 sec 32 +2
2 4000 6 sec 48 +16
3 20000 9 sec 64 +16
4 100K 3 hours 80 +16
5 381K 12 hours 96 +16
6 619K 18 hours 112 +16
7 2008K 1 day 128 +16
8 3575K 2 days 144 +16
9 5759K 3 days 160 +16
10 6958K 4 days 176 +16

Fish Storage

Click here for details

You have 3 Fish Storage in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 2
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 3
  • 3 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 10

:arrow_up: Fish Storage Upgrade Costs

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Capacity Addon from previous level
1 250 3 sec 26600
2 4000 6 sec 100K +73400
3 20000 9 sec 250K +150K
4 100K 3 hours 440K +190K
5 381K 12 hours 700K +260K
6 619K 18 hours 1100K +400K
7 2008K 1 day 1700K +600K
8 3575K 2 days 2400K +700K
9 5759K 3 days 3100K +700K
10 6958K 4 days 3330K +230K

Production Related Buildings


Click here for details

You have 3 Fishery in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 1
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 3
  • 3 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 10

:arrow_up: Fishery Upgrade Costs

These are the costs for building and researching Levels — NOT for operating them. For operation costs, scroll down to the next section.

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Capacity Production / Hour Addon Production From Previous Level Addon Production From Previous Level
1 250 3 sec 9870 3290 +0 +0
2 4000 6 sec 88480 5530 +78610 +2240
3 18900 9 sec 174K 5800 +85520 +270
4 45600 3 hours 266K 7400 +92400 +1600
5 122K 12 hours 441K 9200 +175K +1800
6 195K 18 hours 451K 9400 +9600 +200
7 604K 1 day 528K 11000 +76800 +1600
8 1050K 2 days 720K 15000 +192K +4000
9 1664K 3 days 744K 15500 +24000 +500
10 1966K 4 days 768K 16000 +24000 +500


Click here for details

You have 2 Quarry in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 1
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 3

:arrow_up: Quarry Upgrade Costs

These are the costs for building and researching Levels — NOT for operating them. For operation costs, scroll down to the next section.

Level Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Capacity Production / Hour Addon Production From Previous Level Addon Production From Previous Level
1 250 3 sec 23900 4780 +0 +0
2 2000 6 sec 129K 5400 +105K +620
3 7800 9 sec 177K 5900 +47400 +500
4 22680 3 hours 248K 6900 +71400 +1000
5 72200 12 hours 340K 7100 +92400 +200
6 122K 18 hours 360K 7500 +19200 +400
7 412K 1 day 384K 8000 +24000 +500
8 755K 2 days 456K 9500 +72000 +1500
9 1218K 3 days 470K 9800 +14400 +300
10 1521K 4 days 480K 10000 +9600 +200

Dragon Forge

Click here for details

The first 4 levels are unlocking crafting two different Battle Items.

You can find the effect of the craftable battle items in the Dragon Inventory topic:

You have 2 Dragon Forge in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 1
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 3

:arrow_up: Dragon Forge UPGRADE & RESEARCH Costs

These are the costs for building and researching Levels — NOT for operating them. For operation costs, scroll down to the next section.

Level Battle Item Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Research Cost
Research Time
1/A Small Healing Salve 250 3 sec 1200 1 hour
1/B Balistae Attack 9000 2 hours
2/A Small Mana Shards 4000 6 sec 37590 3 hours
2/B Cleansing Feather 65690 4 hours
3/A Medium Healing Salve 20000 9 sec 103K 5 hours
3/B Veil of Protection 152K 6 hours
4/A Veil of Attack 100K 3 hours 213K 8 hours
4/B Medium Mana Shards 384K 10 hours
5 Ice Attack Spell 476K 12 hours 792K 12 hours
6 Super Healing Salve 775K 18 hours 910K 14 hours
7 Poison Attack Spell 2508K 1 day 1080K 16 hours
8 Storm Attack Spell 4470K 2 days 1927K 18 hour
9 Healing Comet 7203K 3 days 2180K 20 hours
10 Super Mana Shards 8697K 4 days 2200K 1 day

:recycle: Dragon Forge OPERATION Abilities & Costs

These are the costs for actually running Levels, once built and researched.

Level Battle Item Resource Quanitity Dragonstone / Fish Other Costs Time
1/A Small Healing Salve 1200 Fish 4x Cinderthorn
2x Mithril Ore
5 min
1/B Balistae Attack 1700 Fish 4x Mithril Ore
2x Mythical Spring Water
5 min
2/A Small Mana Shards 3800 Dragonstone 2x Cinderthorn
4x Mythical Spring Water
5 min
2/B Cleansing Feather 6600 Fish 2x Cinderthorn
2x Mthril Ore
2x Mithril Spring Water
5 min
3/A Medium Healing Salve 10400 Dragonstone 4x Cinderthorn
2x Gargantuan Spider Web
10 min
3/B Veil of Protection 15300 Dragonstone 2x Dragonic Fruit
4x Mithril Ore
10 min
4/A Veil of Attack 21300 Dragonstone 2x Hyppogryph Wing
4x Myhical Spring Water
10 min
4/B Medium Mana Shards 29700 Fish 1x Dragonic Fruit
1x Gargantuan Spider Web
1x Hippogryph Wing
10 min
5 Ice Attack Spell 60700 Dragonstone 1x Dragonbloom
3x Gargantuan Spider Web
5x Mithril Ore
20 min<
6 Super Healing Salve 75700 Fish 5x Cinderthorn
3x Dragonic Fruit
1x Fairy Dust
20 min
7 Poison Attack Spell 91000 Dragonstone 1x Volcanic Oil
3x Hyppogryph Wing
5x Mythical Spring Water
20 min
8 Storm Attack Spell 147K Fish 1x Volcanic Oil
4x Gargantuan Spider Web
6x Mithril Ore
1x Glimmering Fang
1 hour
9 Healing Comet 207K Dragonstone 6x Cinderthorn
1x Dragonbloom
4x Dragonic Fruit
1x Crystal Sand
1 hour
10 Super Mana Shards 236K Fish 4x Hyppogryph Wing
6x Mythical Spring Water
1x Fairy Dust
1x Infernal Core
1 hour


Click here for details

Upgrading the Hatchery unlocks more Training Options.
Level 10 Hatchery unlocks the Claim All button for all your Hatcheries.

You have 3 Hatchery in total in your base.

  • 1 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 2
  • 2 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 6
  • 3 staring from Dragonspire Building Level 10

:arrow_up: Hatchery UPGRADE & RESEARCH Costs

These are the costs for building and researching Levels — NOT for operating them. For operation costs, scroll down to the next section.

Level Ability Upgrade Cost
Upgrade Time Research Cost
Research Time
1 Train COMMON and UNCOMMON Trainer Dragons 250 3 sec 12060 30 min
2 COMMON Trainer Dragons Quickly 4000 6 sec 66060 30 min
3 Fire Dragons of RARE with a chance for Fire Trainer Dragons 20000 9 sec 104K 2 days
4 Ice Dragons of RARE with a chance for Ice Trainer Dragons 100K 3 hours 153K 2 days
5 Nature Dragons of RARE with a chance for Nature Trainer Dragons 476K 12 hours 214K 2 days
6 Dark Dragons of RARE with a chance for Dark Trainer Dragons 775K 18 hours 298K 2 days
7 Holy Dragons of RARE with a chance for Holy Trainer Dragons 2508K 1 day 387K 2 days
8 Extremly cheap but slow training of COMMON and UNCOMMON Trainer Dragons 4470K 2 days 1800K 8 hours
9 Training with a chance for EPIC Dragons 7203K 3 days 1980K 16 hours
10 Training with a chance for LEGENDARY Dragons 8697K 4 days 2363K 14 days

:recycle: Hatchery OPERATION Abilities & Costs

These are the costs for actually running Levels, once built and researched.

Level Ability Fish Dragonlings Other Costs Time Possible outcome
1 Train COMMON and UNCOMMON Trainer Dragons 10000 10 2x Common Feather 3 hours 50% Uncommon Trainer
50% Common Trainer
2 COMMON Trainer Dragons Quickly 34000 10 2x Common Feather 2 hours 100% Common Trainer
3 Fire Dragons of RARE with a chance for Fire Trainer Dragons 16280 50 2x Common Feather
2x Red Feather
3 hours Fire:
50% Rare Dragon
50% Rare Trainer
4 Ice Dragons of RARE with a chance for Ice Trainer Dragons 16280 50 2x Common Feather
2x Blue Feather
3 hours Ice:
50% Rare Dragon
50% Rare Trainer
5 Nature Dragons of RARE with a chance for Nature Trainer Dragons 16280 50 2x Common Feather
2x Green Feather
3 hours Green:
50% Rare Dragon
50% Rare Trainer
6 Dark Dragons of RARE with a chance for Dark Trainer Dragons 16280 50 2x Common Feather
2x Purple Feather
3 hours Dark:
50% Rare Dragon
50% Rare Trainer
7 Holy Dragons of RARE with a chance for Holy Trainer Dragons 16280 50 2x Common Feather
2x Yellow Feather
3 hours Holy:
50% Rare Dragon
50% Rare Trainer
8 Extremly cheap but slow training of COMMON and UNCOMMON Trainer Dragons 46250 5 - 10 hours 50% Uncommon Trainer
50% Common Trainer
9 Training with a chance for EPIC Dragons 447K 140 4x Mortar and Pestle 4 days 5% Epic Dragon
95% Rare Dragon
10 Training with a chance for LEGENDARY Dragons 534K 200 2x Mortar and Pestle 6 days 5% Legendary Dragon
20% Epic Dragon
75% Rare Dragon


Guides by @birksg

:link: Related topics


Hi. By accident I have build 2 Dragon Forges. I wanted to build 2 Hatcheries. How can I fix this?

The available building count per type for a specific Dragonspire level is fixed for all users.

You can only have 1 Hatchery before Dragonspire level 6 regardless of your building choices.


my maxstorage is 210k. i dont have storage for purple stone.
how to up base to next lv thisneed 571k.

I can see, that your storage house us still at level 3.


Need to level up both your stone storage to lvl 4 first in order to get enough capacity to store stone to level up your base to lvl 5.


Come on, same system as the main game. :sweat_smile:


Both Dragonstone storags upgraded to Level 4 will give you a maximum capacity of 620K Dragonstone.

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qh okey rhis is stone storage i thinked was is quarry for stone mineing


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Have these values on the images been verified after release? Ran into a few people mentioning times and resources needed on things might be off. Hatchery recipe 3 was mentioned as a 2 day upgrade but it’s showing 104k fish and 9 seconds on the images.

There was another one mentioned that I can’t recall off the top of my head. As I’m not doing dragons I have no idea what most of the times are/should be. TIA.

It’s 9 seconds to build, and 2 days to research the ability once built.


Thanks. I’ll see if I can find the other stuff someone mentioned. It’s new so digging through all the messages and posts is a bit crazy atm.

The long wait has begun. No VIP here, just one builder. At Dragonspire levcel6 I can build another Hatchery and that will speed up the levelling of the dragons.


Im in the same boat as you.

Leveling from level 5 to level 6 seems excessive on main building. Going from 4 to 5 was only 12 hours.
7 days to level 6?
I don’t remember exactly in the original game but wasn’t it 7 days to get to level 20 or 25.

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Mine is only 610k. (Both quarriies and both storage are at level 4.) :thinking:

I was thinking the same. I think 4-to-5 was 24 hours (mine is almost done), but from that to 7 days?


See details in post #1 of this thread.


You have to make sure the estimated 1 year long process to max currently available buildings runs smoothly. They can’t give people hope when they can milk them for gem skips due to impatience.

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Yeah, I just hadn’t looked at it before. When I saw @Blord 's post I was like, “Holy crap!”