Hi, I am looking for a 4*, but preferably a 5* hero that dispels status ailments from all allies, but is not a healer. Does such a hero exists? Is there a place where I can find this information? Thx all!
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Sonya with the new costume is the only 4* I can think off.
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Others would be 5* heroes.
As far as I know Zimkitha is the only legendary non healing cleanser.
Lady Locke should be back in March
Zimkitha and Lady Locke are both good options. Thx! Unfortunately not easy to get atm…
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Lady Locke, rumpel and zimkitty are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
There are a couple self ones (cleanse themselves only)
He’s asking for ally cleansers, not opponent dispeller
Ah Rigard and costumed Sonya then.
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Rigard is a healer and I am not looking for that. All others mentioned above are good options.
That is why i want a costume for Sonya. Should be great against our old nemesis - Gravy
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