Defensive Mana - Troops/Differences/Turn- Based Mana Calculations and it's Discovery

With our new understanding of the mana bar of the defense team it is unclear, if the amount of mana you steal with heroes like Onatel, R&N, Ithar, etc is based on the larger mana bar of the defense or if this percentage is converted to the base mana bar.

Test 1: Fast 5* Obakan of offense with +16% mana generation bonus getting mana from 6 tiles and R&N’s 50% mana steal from a charged fast 5* (Phorcys with fast tide speed)
934 x 50% / 5 = 93.4 = 93 MP for each hero or
800 x 50% / 5 = 80 MP for each hero

For my Obakan that would either mean
803 = 600 x 1.16 + 93 x 1.16 = charged
788 = 600 x 1.16 + 80 x 1.16 = not charged

Expectation: You get what you take, so it should be 93 MP for each hero and Obakan will be charged

=> Obakan is charged
=> you steal mana based on the larger mana bar of the defense, as expected

Test 2: Fast 5* Obakan of offense with +16% mana generation bonus getting mana from 6 tiles and R&N’s 50% mana steal from a charged fast 4* (Woolerton)
899 x 50% / 5 = 89.9 = 90 MP for each hero or
899 x 50% / 5 = 89.9 = 89 MP for each hero

For my Obakan that would either mean
800 = 600 x 1.16 + 90 x 1.16 = charged
799 = 600 x 1.16 + 89 x 1.16 = not charged

Expectation: Probably gets rounded up and Obakan will be charged

=> Obakan is not charged
=> The 899 x 50% / 5 = 89.9 gets rounded down

Mana stealing
I love R&N’s 50% mana steal (and the rest of her skills) and I’m currently leveling Ithar, who has a 35% mana steal.

So how much mana do Ithar and R&N steal then? And which mana generation bonus is required to charge a fast hero with 6 tiles when R&N or Ithar steal mana from a fully charged fast hero?

Ithar stealing from a 5*:
With 21% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and Ithar stealing from a charged fast 5*.

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 572 200 40
Magic 1 642 224 44
Styx 1 700 245 49
very fast 759 265 53
fast 934 326 65
Styx 2 1051 367 73
Charge 2 1144 400 80
average 1168 408 81
slayer 1284 449 89
slow/styx3 1401 490 98
Magic 2 1436 502 100
very slow 1576 551 110
Charge 3 1716 600 120

Ithar stealing from a 4*
With 21% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and Ithar stealing from a charged fast 4*.

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 550 192 38
Magic 1 618 216 43
Styx 1 674 235 47
very fast 730 255 51
fast 899 314 62
Styx 2 1011 353 70
Charge 2 1101 385 77
average 1124 393 78
slayer 1236 432 86
slow/styx3 1348 471 94
Magic 2 1382 483 96
very slow 1517 530 106
Charge 3 1652 578 115

Ithar stealing from a 3*:
With 22% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and Ithar stealing from a charged fast 3*.

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 529 185 37
Magic 1 594 207 41
Styx 1 648 226 45
very fast 702 245 49
Fast / tide 864 302 60
Styx 2 972 340 68
Charge 2 1059 370 74
average 1081 378 75
slayer 1189 416 83
slow/styx3 1297 453 90
Magic 2 1329 465 93
very slow 1459 510 102
Charge 3 1589 556 111

R&N stealing from a 5*:
With 15% 16% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and R&N stealing from a charged fast 5*.

Mana points 50% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 572 286 57
Magic 1 642 321 64
Styx 1 700 350 70
very fast 759 379 75
fast 934 467 93
Styx 2 1051 525 105
Charge 2 1144 572 114
average 1168 584 116
slayer 1284 642 128
slow/styx3 1401 700 140
Magic 2 1436 718 143
very slow 1576 788 157
Charge 3 1716 858 171

R&N stealing from a 4*
With 16% 17% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and R&N stealing from a charged fast 4*.

Mana points 50% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 550 275 55
Magic 1 618 309 61
Styx 1 674 337 67
very fast 730 365 73
fast 899 449 89
Styx 2 1011 505 101
Charge 2 1101 550 110
average 1124 562 112
slayer 1236 618 123
slow/styx3 1348 674 134
Magic 2 1382 691 138
very slow 1517 758 151
Charge 3 1652 826 165

R&N stealing from a 3*:
With 16% 17% mana generation bonus a fast hero will charge with 6 tiles and R&N stealing from a charged fast 3*.

Mana points 50% steal MP for each of 5 heroes
Charge 1 529 264 52
Magic 1 594 297 59
Styx 1 648 324 64
very fast 702 351 70
fast 864 432 86
Styx 2 972 486 97
Charge 2 1059 529 105
average 1081 540 108
slayer 1189 594 118
slow/styx3 1297 648 129
Magic 2 1329 664 132
very slow 1459 729 145
Charge 3 1589 794 158

edit: corrected the required mana generation bonus for R&N