Ithar – 5* Holy / Yellow - August 2023 HOTM (Hero of the Month) -- Initial Release

How much mana can Ithar steal with her 35%, if the target is fully charged?

||tiles on attack|35% steal|tiles for each of your 5 heroes|tiles with +22% mana generation|
|Charge 1|4,89|1,7115|0,3423|0,417606|
|Magic 1|5,5|1,925|0,385|0,4697|
|Styx 1|6|2,1|0,42|0,5124|
|very fast|6,5|2,275|0,455|0,5551|
|Styx 2|9|3,15|0,63|0,7686|
|Charge 2|9,78|3,423|0,6846|0,835212|
|Magic 2|12,3|4,305|0,861|1,05042|
|very slow|13,5|4,725|0,945|1,1529|
|Charge 3|14,67|5,1345|1,0269|1,252818|

6 tiles for a fast yellow hero with +22% mana generation give 7.32 tiles. The remaining 0.68 tiles can come from

  • a fully charged fast target or
  • a 80% charged average target or
  • a 2/3 charged slow target

We recently found out in this thread that the mana bar on defense is larger than on offense. The known values for mana bars apply to the offense team and to 1* on defense. 2* need 4% more mana. 3* need further 4% more, 4% another 4% more and 5* need 4% more again.

For example, on defense a fast 1* needs 800 mana points. a fast 2* needs 832 MP, a fast 3* needs 864 MP, a fast 4* needs 899 MP and a fast 5* needs 934 MP.

In this post it was now verified that that R&N on offense steals 50% of the defense mana, i.e. from a fully charged fast 5* she steals 467 MP = 934 x 50%.
She then distributes it equally to her allies that are alive.

=> That means that for targets on the defense team the amount of stolen mana depends not only on how much the target has charged, but also on the hero level of the target as it determines the length of the mana bar.

For a 5* target on defense that means that your fast yellow hero needs +21% mana generation to charge in 6 tiles and Ithar’s stolen mana from a fast target:

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes MP with +21%mana generation total MP
Charge 1 572 200 40 48 774
Magic 1 642 224 44 53 779
Styx 1 700 245 49 59 785
very fast 759 265 53 64 790
fast 934 326 65 78 804
Styx 2 1051 367 73 88 814
Charge 2 1144 400 80 96 822
average 1168 408 81 98 824
slayer 1284 449 89 107 833
slow/styx3 1401 490 98 118 844
Magic 2 1436 502 100 121 847
very slow 1576 551 110 133 859
Charge 3 1716 600 120 145 871

For a 4* target your fast yellow hero needs 21% mana generation as well:

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes MP with +22%mana generation total MP
Charge 1 550 192 38 45 771
Magic 1 618 216 43 52 778
Styx 1 674 235 47 56 782
very fast 730 255 51 61 787
fast 899 314 62 75 801
Styx 2 1011 353 70 84 810
Charge 2 1101 385 77 93 819
average 1124 393 78 94 820
slayer 1236 432 86 104 830
slow/styx3 1348 471 94 113 839
Magic 2 1382 483 96 116 842
very slow 1517 530 106 128 854
Charge 3 1652 578 115 139 865

For a 3* target your fast yellow hero needs +22% bonus:

Mana points 35% steal MP for each of 5 heroes MP with +22%mana generation total MP
Charge 1 529 185 37 45 777
Magic 1 594 207 41 50 782
Styx 1 648 226 45 54 786
very fast 702 245 49 59 791
Fast / tide 864 302 60 73 805
Styx 2 972 340 68 82 814
Charge 2 1059 370 74 90 822
average 1081 378 75 91 823
slayer 1189 416 83 101 833
slow/styx3 1297 453 90 109 841
Magic 2 1329 465 93 113 845
very slow 1459 510 102 124 856
Charge 3 1589 556 111 135 867