Defense team set up help!

I need help to set up my defense team, this are my best heroes, so any help is good and wellcome!

Joon - Aeron - Boril - Zeline - Sir Lancelot

Sir Lancelot’s positions could seem dumb to many players but taking into account your heroes he could be the better choice to be there. If your Zeline feels too squishy then swap her position with the knight.

So no Colen? I see him in deff. teams all the time.

Colen have many counters:

  • He is slow
    • fast mana destroyer / special blocker have easy times with him
  • He have low defense
    • he can be dealt with few strikes when his mana is next to be charged
  • He is red
    • and two of the most useful blue attackers are Grimm and Kiril

Once players have more and more heroes he will become worse and worse on defense.
The more you will gain trophies the more fast heroes will be needed!

For defense I would consider Hansel instead of Zeline until she is fully ascended

Hihi. I always get Colen with my counter attack…BANG! Dead…hehe

So, again need some advise on my new deff team, TY!
