I need some advice for my defense comp. I have Lianna full, but I just got Tarlak and Evelyn. Should I replace Lianna or remove other color and put Tarlak or Evelyn together?
Here is my current team and my materials:
I really don’t get it placing Eve on defense if it is going to be a rainbow defense team. Her measly damage only deals a tickle to 3 heroes. The only wisdom I could get why players place her on their defense is her dispel.
I think it’s because of her combo with Lianna, what is very difficult to happen on auto defense… In your opinion should I keep as it is or replace other hero?
Well, you can see a lot of defense on rainbow with Eve in it. And since it is rainbow, there are no other green heroes in such team. I really see no point in there defending.
If I were you, I would be defending using Marjana as tank and flanked on the left with Eve and on the right with Lianna. Marjana is tough enough for tanking and punishes for bad boards. Her flanked with 2 greens will ensure that any blue tiles not going to the tank has a higher likelihood to go to the flanks. Blues against the Greens deal weak damage. This will result to your green heroes charging up their mana pretty quick. As to the wings, if you have very fast 5 star heroes, they would fit in the bill.
Kunchen is arguably the best tank in the game and he’s talented - I would never tank with Marjana in this case.
Kunchen + Ariel = too much healing and not enough damage, imho. I don’t like Tarlak on defence either.
I’d go with Evelyn-Marjana-Kunchen-Justice-Lianna (if all are maxed).
Justice is generally only good as a tank but she can perform well if she fires after Kunchen. However, you should ascend her only if you don’t have other holy options.
Thanks for your opinion. Also I have these blue heroes, do you think that any of these would be better than Ariel or Justice for defense in this current comp of Evelyn-Marjana-Kunchen-?-Lianna: