Defense Team? 3-2?

Hello, I was hoping for some advice on to make a stronger defense. I’m debating between Marj and Jean for defense but currently I’m running something like Kingston-Ursena-Telly-Ariel-Joon.

Is it viable to run two green with a healer like Ariel? My roster is below. It just feels clunky because of my double green.

Any tips would be great!

My defense was the exact same color scheme. Lianna +17, freya+2, Telly+19,Vela+18,Joon19. It was very sturdy. Granted the Telly vela combo but losing a red didn’t affect me much and I stayed around 2600-2700. I would switch Kingston and joon. Purple protection next to ursena for joon and a green blue sandwich on the other side.