Defense team advice please

Hey guys! Looking for some defense team advice. I’m trying to get into platinum for POV and better rewards chests! Currently my defense team is Grimm - costume hawkmoon - Boril - Little John - Stonecleave.

I have these maxed 4s: Boril (and costume), Kashrek (and costume), Kelile, Grimm, Stonecleave, and Rigard.

I have these 4s at approx 3-60: Scarlett, Wilbur, Mireweave, Chao, Jabbar. I also have Costume bane and costume hawk moon fully emblemed.

First question, should I run a rainbow defense team? I really like Boril as tank but don’t want to take out Grimm (he’s my only emblemed 4). Here are three options I was considering:

Grimm - rigard - Boril - Scarlett - LJ (2 blues)
Scarlett - Rigard - Kashrek - Grimm - Chao (rainbow)
Grimm - Rigard - Wilbur - LJ - Scarlett/Chao (once I level Wilbur)

Let me know thoughts on those or if you would build something differently!

While a rainbow defense team is common, you will find many defences even in diamond doubling up on color. It depends on how your heroes play in together.

You have potentially 3 great tanks to build a defense around - Boril, Kashrek and Rigard. Boril was my tank through much of platinum. I got Rigard much later in the game, but he and his costume can go pretty much anywhere and can play with the big 5* boys! Boril and Kash are great within a range, but then their usefulness tapers off. Grimm IMO is one of the most long lasting 4* heroes along with Rigard and BoldTusk. He is a little squishy and more offense than defense. But given your roster, I’d definitely try him on wing or even flank. I’m surprised you aren’t using Kelile who you have maxed. She is actually sturdier than Scarlett and better in defense. Scarlett is better in offensive and even better when you color stack reds to best use that high attack stat.

For building a defense team with a bite, I’d pick 2 solid defenders from Boril/ Rigard/ Kash and 3 hitters. Grimm, Kelile and Chao would be my picks from your heroes.

I’d try


Good luck :slight_smile:


I like the idea of taking into account mana. As on defence mana is generated by tiles as well as turn based mana. I.e. after three turns a very fast hero can charge with six tiles if there is 9% mana boost. A fast hero could charge with 9 tiles if there is 7% mana boost. Ever faced a team that charges quick, well why not be one yourself?

Other than that, causing your opponent to get a defence down is a lot better than raising your attack.

Heroes with two or more skills seem to help. Synergies between your team may deem it necessary for a four star. Think of it this way, the offensive team will pick on the weakest link so that they can ghost tiles. With this in mind the team left behind when one hero dies should be formidable too. So pretend for a second that one of your heroes dies what’s left a team or shambles?

Also, bringing heroes that are not widely known helps confuse an offence. I.e. Liana is great but very predictable and a good offence will prepare for that predictability. Change it up and have some fun while you’re at it, how many offensive team study the synergies before attacking, not many, as most just target your tank, maybe a critical troop on your defensive tank makes more sense than the mana troop for defensive reasons even though mana speed is great. Staying alive is key too. I wish an all sniper team would work but frankly no it doesn’t.

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Kelly Rigs cKash Boril Chao

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Thanks for the reply! I switched to this for now, with Rigard and Kelile swapped so I get cleanse before she fires. So far I’ve managed to stay in platinum for several hours so it’s already better than my old one :laughing:

I’m surprised you didn’t mention Wilbur, he’s one of my least favorite to raid against.

And FWIW, I got my first 5 star hero from TC20 today, Leonidas! So I’ll eventually swap him in for one of the hitters once I get him leveled.

Hm. That would be very annoying to raid against so it passes the eye test :laughing: Maybe I’ll try this for my raid defense and use @Circe’s suggestion for my war defense since my alliance uses blue tanks.

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I’d go Rigs, Boril, Kash, Kellie, Chao, Switch Boril and Kellie if you don’t like to two hitters together. Rainbows are ideal.

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Wilbur on defense is a double edge sword. For Wilbur to truly shine, you need a AoE hitter with him. At 4*, I used Colen a lot. Sumle would be devastating too. Unfortunately most AoE are slow mana, so while you can control that 1-2 KO hit during offense, it’s tough in Defense.

While raiding against Wilbur, his natural counter is Sonya. I suspect you have trouble with him because you haven’t mentioned Sonya in your roster. But Grimm+Rigs will do the job as well. Use Rigs to cleanse your debuff and Grimm to swàp the enemy def up to def down - and you have the enemy’s Wilbur working for you instead of them!

Not a bad hero for defense per se, but he has lots of counter strategies and you have better options in Boril and Kash. Wilbur, though, will be your staple in Titan and red stack offense teams for a long long time.

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I personally do not like Boril on you defense team because your current roster set up will have 3 supporters and 2 hitters (not snipers). Raiders can bring cleanser to de-buff you heroes easily and that is maybe why you cannot hang on to Platinum for longer time.

Try replace Boril with Grimm. Grimm will add significant damages to your defense team
Rigard Grim Kashhrek-C Chao Kelile