@Hcmitchellr If you really want to go left field with Gormek, do a damage to everyone, defense down to everyone and mana boost to Gormek’s team.
Yes but when his special goes off his defense is decent
but… who cares that his defence sucks…? He’s a sniper! I’d personally hate a costume which reduced his attack to boost his defence. Defeats the purpose & reduces the potential of him as a Sniper.
If Magni does get a costume, I would expect it to drop the opponents defense be a primary target and it’s neighbors.
There’s literally only one on-topic post in this thread in response to the original OP, so I just renamed the thread instead.
Can be hijacked, since the answer to the question is no and all the rest is ot…
lol - that is very good moderating!
To be (new) on topic, I will say that I continue to be devastated that Gormek doesn’t yet have a costume. Make him THE RAVENOUS and I don’t even care what his new class / skill / stats are.
Hahaha, YESSSS, we need this. It would be even better if this was his new hero card:
If he can go off before he is killed…
I second this motion. Gormek was an absolute staple of my lineup forever, and the appellation “the Hungry” automatically made him my spirit animal! I miss using him as much, but when I need a red, I’m going Azlar, although I’ve been going without a red most times these days, running a second yellow (Onatel) or purple (Domitia) in most raids.
Well if this happen, and if I can get Magni costume, I would level only for bonus stat, and I wouldn’t equip the costume. Magni is squishy and need fast defense buff to stay more longer.
I hope Magni skill still buff def the caster, maybe for all allies, or even only the caster is okay, or def the caster and neighbors plus immune status effect for 2 turn.
@jinbatsu That immunity on top of defense increase would be pretty juicy.
You know I got to thinking, for heroes like Ulmer and Jahangir, they should get an elemental defense down to all for their costumes.
Musing on what input devs got that caused them to cancel costume event less than one week before it was due.
Really quite annoying.
@Bud, I’m a bit bummed about that. Was looking forward to obtaining Rigard’s outfit and Melendor’s.
Rigard +18 is good, but the costume completes him.
Has costume event for dec been canceled??
The Costume CHAMBER has been cancelled for December. Not yet known about the Costume EVENT (quest).
Developer announcement here:
General discussion here:
my 1st 2 draws last one was Quint and Isarnia… Doubt that happens again.
Congrats. I got Brienne and Hawkmoon. I hope that never happens again
@Didnt-Get-A-Massage Have you tried costumed Hawkmoon this tournament? She is awesome! She kept Namahage alive through a lot more stuff than I expected. She is definitely gonna by my next 3 star to get to +20 after Brienne.