Anyone using Cupido as a tank? How effective is he? Also on defense generally?
I’m more offensive-minded, so have favored fast (love my Styx heroes), but am tired of losing 200 to 400 (max was over 450) trophies overnight.
I’ve been using Dark Lord, Hypnos, Ferant, and Azmia as tanks, but would love to improve. I want to level Nyx over Freya (without Costume) because I’ve always wanted her and Styx heroes are my favorite for offense, but she wouldn’t be as good a tank as Freya.
So I’m hoping to eat my cake by leveling Nyx and then Cupido as my new tank (could also level Oceanus as tank maybe but think Cupido would be better)?
I would recommend to level heroes based on offense (or event, titan etc) needs, rather than purely deciding from defense view. Obviously there are some exceptions with top def heroes, but none of the listed falls into the category.
That said, basic freya is outdated anyway, Nyx is much better for offense, and I think she is now even a better tank. Definitely go with Nyx.
As for Cupido I do not know how she would perform at tank, obviously there are some counters and ailment resisters, but still think she would be ok at least. But she is strong for offense and that should be enough to decide.
Thanks @Jronny. I generally agree with you and that’s why my offense is decent (it’s where I want it to be at my level). So for this next set of leveling, I want to improve my defense.
Do you think Nyx is a better defense hero/tank than Freya despite the poor AI handling with her charge speed?
I have not seen the matches, but I used Nyx as a war tank for quite some time (switched now to c2obakan) and she performed well, definitely not worse than the few basic freya defs we have. Let’s remember she was buffed recently so even her first hit is quite good now.
Thanks again @Jronny. Sounds like Nyx is getting the tabards then! I definitely didn’t need much convincing since I’ve wanted her since I started playing the game!
Oh yes! That passive and the mana slow down family bonus is why I love Styx heroes. I just soooo need Charon. I have Hypnos and Erebus in my main raid team, Hypnos and Steropes in my main map team. And Nyx will soon join both (replacing Dark Lord).