With regard to tiles hitting a titan’s weak spot, if just considering those tiles, would it be preferable to use attack/mana troops or crit/defense troops? It’s a little unclear to me if the crit chance for a crit troop further increases the damage done on the titan’s weak spot.
Further, if crit troops don’t help for the titan’s weak spot, is it preferable to use crit troops or mana troops on titans, now also taking into account tiles that don’t hit the weak spot? That is, just considering tile damage alone, is the higher attack stat from mana troops better overall than the crit chance for crit troops?
And that is a harder question to answer. I don’t think I can really give a good and supported answer without diving into some maths which I don’t have time to do right now.
Realistically, as the best way of dealing titan damage is by stacking colours up, most players aren’t affected by this kind of question… Purely because they equip the strongest troops available. For me personally I tend to put my strongest Crit Troop (Defence troop) on my weakest link (usually Miki or say jackal or falcon). The Mana Troops (Attack Troop) go onto the heroes who have the highest attack stats.
I only have 3 levelled 4* troops in each colour, 2x mana & 1 Crit. And none of them are levelled past 19
Would you recommend the critical chance emblem path for Ursena while is flanked by Ariel?
I currently have level 12 4* mana troops on her, and wanted to know which would be best for when she tanks? I’m looking at the defense emblem after the healing increase.
She is at 790/731/1355. I believe she might be too squishy as is. I also have Ariel at 746/827/1296 with level 6 4* tank troops.
As mentioned in the OP, crit damage is pretty well a static multiple on the damage calculation.
We already know there is variation in the damage calculation due to the RNG element [theta]. This random element has (to date) been more than enough to account for variation seen in the damage on the “weak spot” and normal titan hits.
This post demonstrates that there is always more to learn about how the game works . However, there appears to be some disagreement between how much damage is done for critical hits. According to the OP:
So, which is it? And, if there are differences in the critical damage calculation for weak and strong, I assume they would also be different for neutral. For neutral, would it be 200 damage (100 base * 1.0 + 100 crit)? If that’s the case, then it’s 1.5x, 2x, and 3x for strong, neutral, and weak critical hits, respectively.
If this is actually the case, it would be helpful if the OP could be updated to reflect this.
Updated the OP to include the information outlined by @Dwimmerlaik in post 9
@Math-Teacher, they do not stack no. HOWEVER, the Critical/Weak spot on a titan is a single column… The majority of tiles in a cascade do not hit the weak spot. So I would say that the “critical Chance” is not redundant as it applies to all other tiles which hit the titan.
So you’re saying you get a stack of three directly to the sweet spot of the titan, they just do double damage with or without the Gregorians, Melias, elemental links, troops, etc.? Thanks kind of a bummer.
I’m specifically addressing the sweet spot and not titan damage in general.
They do the Crit Damage yes, regardless of any other buffs, troops etc…
But as I said, the “Weak Spot” on a titan is only 1 column out of the 5 that hit the titan… so only 20% of available tiles to match… the remaining 80% will only do “Crit” damage based on the liklihood from buffs, troops etc…
Rest of damage is calculated normally / the same for the “Weak Spot” & “Normal Hits”
Just that tiles hitting the “weak spot” get a 100% chance of dealing “Crit Damage” while the rest of the tiles have only a “chance” based on the crit stat.
So to be clear, if you REMOVE the crit stuff, all tiles hitting a titan will follow the Damage Calculation Formula:
Hi, I’m trying to find out if Cyprian’s counterattack can do critical damage? I ask because in the penultimate step of the grid I have to decide whether I should choose the +2% for mana or for chance of critical damage. I tried Cyprian three times with Sabrina in 12-8 and i could see no damage by the counter attack.