ℹ Costumed Perseus – 5* Ice/Blue - Dec 2017 HotM Costume

Finally some luck :partying_face:


Congrats. He’s amazing


Thank you!!! :pray:

Is c.perseus worth double LB?

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To me, definitely. He’s a great hero. Decent damage, big edd, partial dispel, blocks healing. Once I get a few more GEs he’ll be in the mix for my next +25 hero


Of course it depends on your rooster etc. Personally, i am gonna go for it, he’s already really good at 1LB! Thank you @ProfessorPenguin @NoRecesso for your recommendations :wink:

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Pretty sure I had the same stats as the pic above and when I took him to +25 I took health and defense those last 5 nodes to keep him alive.

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Slightly different and Still need master emblems to take him to 25

I got this guy too. Now I’m wondering who to level out of Aino (with costume), Athena (no costume), Gladius or this Perseus.

CPerceus is slightly better than CAthena. In your case, it’s not a question since Athena has no costume.

Then, CAino is a 2nd priority after CPerseus.


really good hero staple in my blue teams, i have 2 of him max

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The costume card is now updated with december balance update.