He’s SE-worthy tbh, it’s a total disgrace what they have done with this portal, their heads are the size of melons with brains the size of a peanut - I thought with Perseus and Hel’s costume last November was the start of something good, having quality costumes that change their skills and made them current, but no - now we’re back to sped heroes.
Did some pulls to try and get him because I have not yet maxed blue EDD 5* (just picked Frida) and honestly, he’s sole featured hero worth a damn.
9 pulls (cheap offers from Web Store) was all it took this time. He gets to the head of leveling queue as I need both heal blocker and blue EDD better than Nordri. Also, I have C-Athena and C-Alberich, so these three together get all +15% mana generation right from start and C-Perseus’ Element Link will spread to all. And C-Alberich can start at +35% mana generation with Lv. 30 Styx troop, requiring just 9 tiles to charge. Nice Nice.
And I just got him! Feel like I beaten the odds not getting the two other duds in this portal. Crazy how this hero is almost a year old already
Yeah! Thats what we r talking about, Mana RG!
15% family + 10% fast Persy + 20%troops…
All in all, 45% max mana regeneration!
Ps. If only mushashi gave the 10% mana reg, as well!
Bards give additional 5% mana as well
I agree with everyone here, I recently got him and maxed him right away. He went from being one of the worst blue HoTM to one of the best in general. I paired him with my CAthena and +20% mana troop and he automatically starts out at very fast with only 2 matches to fire (need 34% for 6 tiles, 20% troops, 5% costume bonus, 10% family bonus for 2). It’s also great synergy that their EL is totally different and gets shared to everyone.
Heh, I was hoping to get Evelyn in the most recent Legends portal (using some 20 coin pulls) as I sorely need to get a better green EDD hero. My current one is costumed Francine, who can be a tad lacking. But I got costumed Perseus, which is a sort of win anyway, except that I also recently took Frida from the Fated Summon to replace my Nordri.
Looks like I will drop Frida and level up costumed Perseus instead! Pity the new Evelyn costume is not as ground-breaking as Perseus’ was (and was why I did not bother chasing Evelyn in the Legends portal).
cPerseus is better, but if you have the mats I find Frida is still useful. I run both in the same team - Frida provides a much-needed dispel and since they both hit-3 they can weaken both flanks for a hit-all to follow-up.
I actually like Frida because of her dispel, since my roster generally has rather few dispellers. But my current focus is on getting a better EDD for Titans. I will probably finish Frida in time, as I have enough mats, unless I get a much stronger dispeller!
His hero card is updated with the changes.
I finished 2lb him before the passives hit beta and the balance was announced. He’s been great. Works good against Ludwig. Sure, he only hits Ludwig because of the taunt, but the passive dispels the mana gain buff from his neighbors, which eliminates 90% of Ludwig’s threat
I can’t seem to get this guy no matter how many times he’s been featured or how many times ToL comes around. Always get C. Alasie (5 times now). It’s like the rng is against me or something.
Is here someone who can show me a picture of the emblem path?
Do you have also a picture of the emblem path? I really need this!
Hi @JdeWal
That is a max preview. Not my own, unfortunately.
For my own, i choose health/shield path because i think in the long run of the game power creep, his attack will not be the most essential.
his value come from 68%EDD, 100% reduce-health, mana-boost and passive dispel.
So, he need to survive as long as possible. I only have 16 emblems for him which is enough to see the overall path.
Note that paladin/fighter paths are the same, so i show original paladin for easy comparison/embleming.
Hi, thanks for help! This is the paladin path.I need the fighter custome path.
Many thanks! Now I will emblem the paladin and I take the Sword route of the Fighter emblem.
I agree. Especially his healing reducer. I’m the VF war today I used him against a team with Hetespheres and Cleopatra and he cut their healing to 0
It’s official. C Perseus is God. At 4/85 he’s a beast
Can’t wait to see him at 4/90
I’m pairing him with Lysanor and three other and they are a deadly duo