Hey guys, I could use a hand deciding. Since I’ll get a scope soon with Frostmarch coming up, I’m trying to figure out who to level. I’m free to play, and scopes hate me so I won’t be leveling another blue any time soon.
I have Magni and Miki at 3/70. I got Fenrir recently at 2/23. I also just got the costume for Magni which I haven’t started leveling yet. I’m under the impression that I won’t need any scopes to level it, and I should equip my current Magni that’s leveled, is that accurate?
I have Isarnia and Vela fully maxed plus some emblems. I’ve been using Brynhild fully maxed and at 20 in the talent grid, and Khagan for defense.
We’re fighting 10-11 titans and I use manapots on Miki but he’s starting to die pretty quickly especially with 11’s.
Here are the rest of my heros HeroPlan.io
Any thoughts?