Costumed Magni, Fenrir, or Miki?

Hey guys, I could use a hand deciding. Since I’ll get a scope soon with Frostmarch coming up, I’m trying to figure out who to level. I’m free to play, and scopes hate me so I won’t be leveling another blue any time soon.

I have Magni and Miki at 3/70. I got Fenrir recently at 2/23. I also just got the costume for Magni which I haven’t started leveling yet. I’m under the impression that I won’t need any scopes to level it, and I should equip my current Magni that’s leveled, is that accurate?

I have Isarnia and Vela fully maxed plus some emblems. I’ve been using Brynhild fully maxed and at 20 in the talent grid, and Khagan for defense.

We’re fighting 10-11 titans and I use manapots on Miki but he’s starting to die pretty quickly especially with 11’s.

Here are the rest of my heros

Any thoughts?

For the best help, you need to tell everyone what area of the game you are most hoping to improve such as titans, defense, offense, wars, blah blah. That’ll get you the best input. And same thing for your other post I just read🤪

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Correct, the final tier of ascension for the costume will require 4 capes and no scopes. I maxed his costume yesterday and do not regret the decision in the least. He charges in 7 tiles with a lvl 17 mana troop. I love the costume heros!

First of all I’m sure you are one amazing player! Costume Magni all the way!