Costume Melendor as tank? I need some help please šŸ˜†

Hello, Iā€™m new here and fairly new to the game, I rarely played for couple of months being more into Clash Royale since it requires skill, I still believe, and that itā€™s mainly because Iā€™m in the beginning, that this game is mostly luck! But Iā€™m really open to learn more hopefully you can prove me wrong and teach me how to play :kissing_heart:

My main question is how to talent grid Costume Melendor and I have read the forums and most of you suggested to place him left flank next to tank.
I will post a screenshot of my team and Iā€™m really open to suggestions.
Also you can see all my heros at the moment, please make suggestions if you believe I can improve my team.
I read Richard is good for tank, donā€™t know really if i should keep using Colen or replace him with Jean-FranƧois and have no idea what to do with Guinevereā€¦
Also I must say this, not long ago I faced an opponent with teampower much lower then mine that I could not defeat due to Costume Melendor being placed in the middle, a match that I was sure I will win. His Melendor charged full mana so fast he was always healing before I could dispel it and seriously thought about placing him as tank in the middle :joy:
Please let me know, all help would really be apreciate it.
Thank you

For your first question, costume Melendor is an ok tank for your current team. Heā€™s a bit more durable than non-costumed Melendor and he grants a defense buff to his entire team. He is pretty passive though.

For your current team, Iā€™d re-order it like so:
Sonya | Tiburtus | Melendor | Colen | Ranvir

You ideally want dispellers (Sonya) and defense droppers (Tiburtus) on the left side, since skills activate from left to right ā€“ i.e. remove enemy buffs then drop their defense, let the rest of the team deal more damage afterwards. On the other side you want any heroes that deal high damage like Colen. You also usually want fast speed heroes on the wings (the corners) since those heroes get hit with matches the least and thus charge at a slower pace than the middle heroes. I recommend Ranvir on the right wing so his attack buff doesnā€™t cause any skills to miss during the turn it activates.

For your other questions:

Richard is a good tank, but not at level 3.70. He needs to be maxed to get better performance and durability out of him. Paladin emblems will help his skill deal more damage (take attack routes).

Colen will eventually get replaced by Jean, but he needs to be fully ascended first. Colen for now will be better.

Guinevere will be much better as a tank than Richard though (and any of your heroes), but again once you level her up.

5*s take a long time in general to reach full potential, so thatā€™s why there are a lot of posts on the forums recommending to level up 4*s first as theyā€™re easier to max and are more immediately useful.


It would be a long run to explain every pros and cons in your roster.
Baseline is, that guinevere is an awesome tank because she burns down your opponents mana and stops him from firing specials.

Costumed melendor is not a tank because his defense stats are bad. And if your enemy uses a dispeller like caedmon, he will just wash away the regeneration and defense buff.

First of all, welcome to the community. E&P also has tons of tactical variations and many cool synergy effects of heroes.
Some heroes seem to be weak (for example grazul) but it turns out that they are unique and very effective.

Just try out a little bit, ask questions and learn how to colourstack, because thats a critical and important learning that needs to be said once more (yes I never ever attack with a rainbow team, ever) :slight_smile:

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Then you guys very much, Iā€™m glad to be here never thought about joining an E&P forum but now I start to play more seriously and part of a good alliance and really want to help them out the best I can by learning about the game.
I took DaveCozy advice and changed my team still worry about Enni saying costume Melendor is not a tank, so Iā€™m not really sure how to do it better my questing is to Enni how would you place my heros?
For talents with Melendor should I take defense and hp? Or attack?
Thank you for the tip on Guinevere I will try to lvl her fast but indeed it takes a long time to aquire 5* heros max ascension materials.
I have seen some players use same color team, however I beat them very fastā€¦hehe :wink:
A friend told me itā€™s better to use defense team same color late in the game and attack with every color in raids and warā€¦itā€™s it true?

I think costume Melandor is not that bad as tank for upper golden league and low platinium league because people donā€™t necessarily have a deep roster and the dispeller needed to counter him.

Although in general tanks which cannot threat directly the opponent are not really a threat.

Eventually Guin will be your tank sheā€™s one of the best at that position but take your time you need yo have a good number of max 4* stars hereos before thinking about levelling 5* stars.

I think your friend meant that for war it is more efficient to all have the same colour for the tank. Thatā€™s true because to counter a specific colour as tank, the best way is usually to take at least 3 hereos of the opposite colour. Indeed colour stacking in offense multiples your tile damages (that should answer the second part of you question) and in war if all the defenders as the same colour as tank you will eventually run out of the opposite colour.

It sounds like that is backwards to me. You want every colour on your defense to minimize advantages of stacking for attacking. If you have all same colour on defense the attacker just has to stack the strong colour against that colour and tile attacks will kill your heroes. Which is why stacking is more effective later on for attack. You stack the strong colour against the defenseā€™s tank to take it out early.

But to effectively stack you need 2-3 strong heroes built up of the same colour. And to REALLY effectively stack they should have some synergy, like a defense debuffer followed by a hitter. Grimm then Richard is an effective synergy for blue, and they are both average mana so tend to charge up together.

@Noki huh sorry but i really missed your question here. You can use the the @NAME to highlight people. They will get a highlight then and will more likely give you an answer.

Regarding the question:
There certainly is a big difference in ā€œmidgameā€ defenses and late game defenses.

Later in the game your attackers will come with a full and heavy team and your healers will not be able to outheal that.

Probably in your case, i would go with colen as tank. Because: IF the attacker has a bad board and colen fires, its very likely to win the fight.

It has to be said that really NO defense has a slight chance to win if the attacker has a ā€œtile tsunamiā€, what basically means that he gets a ton of tiles of their strong color.

And yes, in alliance wars it is useful to have the same tank color. You want the opposite alliance to attack one, two, maybe three Times with a strong color against your tanks. After that, They need to attack with other colors.

Ask again if there is something. Dont forget to use @ :lab_coat: :pray:

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