Where should I position my heroes?

I’m pretty new, so I don’t have the largest selection of heroes to use. I’ve got my current team, and I’m pretty happy with them, but I’m not sure about the positioning for defense. Let me know what you think and/or if I should switch any of the heroes at the moment

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Personally I’d do Melendor - Zagrog-Richard-Kara-Proteus.

Mel cleanses the enemy, Zag strong, richard is a strong tank, Kara is your best hero and taunt is amazing, proteus can fire last to halt mana growth.

Just need to max Rich and Kara and that’s a solid barrier.


Thanks! Definitely trying to level Richard now- got stuck behind an an ascension barrier for a while because I didn’t have the materials lol

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I pretty much agree with @Chadmo only alternative I’d throw in is to consider Mielikke (can’t spell is the new seasonal 4*) instead of Melendor

Her minions add pretty neat buff and the attk down from Richard plus Kara on Taunt means they’ve a chance of staying alive enough

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Great point Kilt. I’m just about to max her and can’t wait for that. I’m low in mana generating heroes.

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