First of all thank you so much for your help, it’s so awesome to get guidance while being absolutely lost (as I am right now) I was thinking about replacing Melendor with Mother North, but as I don’t have a good yellow tank (I don’t consider Justice a viable option for tank) I kinda fear for putting double colors in my defense team as I fear being countered by a heavy yellow lineup. I’m also trying to get my mind off the imaginary fact of needing a healer in my defense team (kinda old mindset) With BK being the obvious choice for some kind of tanky composition in the team (he has literally brought me a solid 400 trophies by swapping Elena tank for him) I kinda feel like I have to put either Mother Nord in (for the revive) or Aegir (for the damage share, as it splashes a solid +20% damage on every team member if both Aegir and BK abilities are active, but then again I feel like a simple dispel counters that strategy, so my mind goes around in circles about what I could do against that and I end up at exactly the same point where I started.
This is something that I actually should do, you’re totally right, but for some reason I just postpone it on and on thinking “ok, I’ll just get my defensive team sorted out first, then I do that.”
This one is a very interesting lineup in my opinion, but (as stated above) I fear that with Grimble being a thing now, using Seshat twice is a huge bait for this hero, given the fact that if he uses his ability on 6 minions I imagine that being a ton of mana given to every ally by his passive on minion destruction.
Here’s where I’m at a total loss of knowing what to do. With my team standing as it is, I really want to put Mother North in for Melendor in order to get some revive chance on the already quite tanky lineup (the chance of Justice and BK reviving and each getting a damage tanking minion is sounding terrifying to me)
Usually, while playing offensively I focus on getting BK to tank enemy snipers (which he does with great success) and I’m currently working on red mana troops to make him just a bit faster, and after all that seems like a reasonable thing to do. Concerning Alliance wars: I’m currently leading a small alliance that plays for fun and being as it is, alliance wars are kind of low on our priority list, we’re actually struggling to get everyone to even attack 3 times, let alone leave the war without open attacks whatsoever. Although I’d much rather play at a higher pace, I feel great loyalty towards my alliance, so I wouldn’t even consider leaving it in my wildest dreams at this point. We’ve grown to be way too much of a family^^ Baiscly all I’m looking to achieve is staying in 2400+ trophies consistently, but somehow my mind tells me that this is something that I’ll probably never achieve, having gone missing for so long 
Anyways, thank you so much for your advice, as stated before, it means a lot to me to get guidance in these tricky situations and please excuse this wall of text monster that I just threw in here.