Build me teams, tell me lies, oh yeah and troops too

Yes this is a who should I level next.
However troop question first.
I have been playing about a year and a half, I don’t spend a lot but I do spend a little.
I am almost exclusively a 3-1-1 player ( except for my Skadi team).
As a result I have been leveling 3 mana troops to 11 for each color before upgrading any troop higher. And I only have 2 red mana troops, 2 blue mana and 1 magic troops.
The rest have 3 mana troops at level 11 and have recently started leveling 1 of each color higher.
Question. Is this a good strategy? If not how should a handle troop leveling? 1 at a time. I try to level at least 1 per day.


Now these are the 5* heroes I have. How would you build teams from this roster?
Remember 3-1-1-------
Usually use an off color healer and another off color who does something unique like taunt/dodge ect.

Onyx 4-85/20
Guardian Panther4-80/15
c Seshat 4-80/13
c Domitia 4-80
Xnolpod 4-85/20
c Kagaburado 4-80------not finished upgrading regular version yet, 4-62

Prof. Lindenbrok 4-85/20
c Leonodas 4-80
SIr Roosterly 4-80.20
Joon 4-80/6

c Finley 4-80------not finished upgrading regular version yet, 4-64
Skadi 4-80/20
Frosth 4-80/20
c magni 4-80
Snow White 4-80

Mother North 4-85/20
Balbar 4-80 I know many are sour on him, however I think he’s really useful. He’s also off color as pointed out above.
c Kadilen 4-85/19

Black Knight 4-85/20
Grazul 4-80
Garnet 4-85/17
Red Hood 4-80

Currently also leveling
Kara 4-72
Quenell 1-10
Lady Loki 3-42

Here is my unleveled or underleveled 5*s. Who would you level Next?
And if you are thinking “why did you either stop leveling them or why haven’t leveled them yet?”
I leveled who I had at the time and/or stopped because I got someone better, or at least I thought so at the time.

Boss wolf 3-70
Viscaro 3-70
Hannah 1-1
Arfanias 1-1
Onyx 1-1
Bera 1-1
c sartana

Thor 3-70
Devanna 3-17
Hanitra 1-1
Guinevere 1-1
Justice Vivica1-1
c Leo 1-1

Fenrir 3-70
Theobold 2-21
Esme 1-1 ------Yeah she’s going to be next-----
Iris 1-1
Alexandrine 1-1
Isarnia 1-1

Ratatoskar 4-11-----I use him here, Probably should finish him but…
Horgall 3-70
Garjammal 1-1
Silvaria 1-1
Guardian Chameleon 1-1
Zocccccc 1-1
Lady Locke 1-1
Lianna 1-1

Yang Mai 3-34
Capitain Nemo 1-1
Zagrog 1-1
Russell 1-1
Khagan 1-1
Marjana 1-1

For now I have enough 4* mats to level 1 of each color for now?
Who else would you prioritize?

Too long?

Well I’ve seen plenty of “Who should I upgrade next” Followed by " Well who do you have now?"

You know it allllllll…
BTW I use several 4* to round out my war teams in no particular order
c Wilbur
Guardian Falcon
c Kashrek ( whatever)
c Rigard
c Kirril
Sergi ----purple defense down—
c ciprian
Anastasia ----magic family minion/fiend
c Grimm
c Borrill
There are more but maybe now its actually too long…
Thanks for considering

All I can say is this. Think about what you lack when you attack and focus on that. From what I see, your focus has been on creating teams full of support heroes. Your heroes lack real killers in many colors. A great offense is a great defense, so find a few killers amongst your potential level ups and choose them to ascend.

P.S. it ain’t Lady Loki… You might want to consider Zagrog.

It may have been better to split your questions to get better answers.

I am interested in the troop question myself. I think i would focus on getting one mana troop from each colour to level 23. It will take a while so don’t need to do it one at a time. But it may be better to leave all of the mana ones at 11 and instead focus on a magic troop of each colour. The goal is to make an average speed hero fast.

Hopefully someone into the numbers can give the best approach

Hopefully this works.
Well worth getting your head around to make sure your stack is all ready at the same time. Especially consider costume mana bonuses (some are different than others) and monk/druid/sorcerer classes who don’t need as high a troop to benefit from mana break

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Thanks - so it comes down to the difference in troop cost between getting a magic troop from 1 to 17 versus getting a mana troop from 11 to 23. I am assuming the magic troop is cheaper but don’t have the numbers

Honestly, don’t think you need an awful lot of help; you’ve levelled decent heroes and selected strategic 4*s. I can see some strong 3-1-1 teams there, and there’s no harm in having that as a preferred setup.

See mana table above to work out what to do next with troops. Personally I’d get 2 to level 17 and then one of those to 29. 23 is the arbitrary number to break an average speed hero, but I’ll assume you’ll take mana nodes or benefit from costume bonuses, so I find it less of a priority.

17/17/11 should allow 2 average speed heroes with a +2% mana bonus and one with a +4% mana bonus to all ready at the same time with 9 tiles (effectively fast speed). The 29 will be for war defense, and if you’re adamant your biggest stack will be 3, that should do nicely. Magic troops get this done quicker and would be my choice to take to 29.

I hope that this a) makes sense and b) I’m not wrong :grin:

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The magic troop would be cheaper, quicker and allow you to have 2 troops as a result!

The 11 regular mana troop is still very useful for rush attacks and for your +4% bonus heroes (mentioned classes/costume plus node)

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I find a level 23 mana troop pretty handy for my average heroes as for many of my heroes I don’t have the emblems to hit the +19 or +20 mana mode

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