Yes this is a who should I level next.
However troop question first.
I have been playing about a year and a half, I don’t spend a lot but I do spend a little.
I am almost exclusively a 3-1-1 player ( except for my Skadi team).
As a result I have been leveling 3 mana troops to 11 for each color before upgrading any troop higher. And I only have 2 red mana troops, 2 blue mana and 1 magic troops.
The rest have 3 mana troops at level 11 and have recently started leveling 1 of each color higher.
Question. Is this a good strategy? If not how should a handle troop leveling? 1 at a time. I try to level at least 1 per day.
Now these are the 5* heroes I have. How would you build teams from this roster?
Remember 3-1-1-------
Usually use an off color healer and another off color who does something unique like taunt/dodge ect.
Onyx 4-85/20
Guardian Panther4-80/15
c Seshat 4-80/13
c Domitia 4-80
Xnolpod 4-85/20
c Kagaburado 4-80------not finished upgrading regular version yet, 4-62
Prof. Lindenbrok 4-85/20
c Leonodas 4-80
SIr Roosterly 4-80.20
Joon 4-80/6
c Finley 4-80------not finished upgrading regular version yet, 4-64
Skadi 4-80/20
Frosth 4-80/20
c magni 4-80
Snow White 4-80
Mother North 4-85/20
Balbar 4-80 I know many are sour on him, however I think he’s really useful. He’s also off color as pointed out above.
c Kadilen 4-85/19
Black Knight 4-85/20
Grazul 4-80
Garnet 4-85/17
Red Hood 4-80
Currently also leveling
Kara 4-72
Quenell 1-10
Lady Loki 3-42
Here is my unleveled or underleveled 5*s. Who would you level Next?
And if you are thinking “why did you either stop leveling them or why haven’t leveled them yet?”
I leveled who I had at the time and/or stopped because I got someone better, or at least I thought so at the time.
Boss wolf 3-70
Viscaro 3-70
Hannah 1-1
Arfanias 1-1
Onyx 1-1
Bera 1-1
c sartana
Thor 3-70
Devanna 3-17
Hanitra 1-1
Guinevere 1-1
Justice Vivica1-1
c Leo 1-1
Fenrir 3-70
Theobold 2-21
Esme 1-1 ------Yeah she’s going to be next-----
Iris 1-1
Alexandrine 1-1
Isarnia 1-1
Ratatoskar 4-11-----I use him here, Probably should finish him but…
Horgall 3-70
Garjammal 1-1
Silvaria 1-1
Guardian Chameleon 1-1
Zocccccc 1-1
Lady Locke 1-1
Lianna 1-1
Yang Mai 3-34
Capitain Nemo 1-1
Zagrog 1-1
Russell 1-1
Khagan 1-1
Marjana 1-1
For now I have enough 4* mats to level 1 of each color for now?
Who else would you prioritize?
Too long?
Well I’ve seen plenty of “Who should I upgrade next” Followed by " Well who do you have now?"
You know it allllllll…
BTW I use several 4* to round out my war teams in no particular order
c Wilbur
Guardian Falcon
c Kashrek ( whatever)
c Rigard
c Kirril
Sergi ----purple defense down—
c ciprian
Anastasia ----magic family minion/fiend
c Grimm
c Borrill
There are more but maybe now its actually too long…
Thanks for considering