Fighters with Healing
Boldtusk, Delilah and Rudolph are the only Fighters that can revive, immediate use their special skill ( computer does this automatically on defense if full mana bar. Often full mana bar if Center on a defense team ) and gain health ( immediate heal, minions or both ) so not just a 1 HP revive.
A X*+15 fighter has a 1 in 123 chance of reviving 4 times in a row.
All of which are useful for a Center or flank on defense and using Revive or Miracle scrolls ( both Revive and Miracle scrolls still suck ) on rare and Class quests ( use emblems to get emblems and ascension items).
HP nodes
You definitely want HP to maximum the healing after revive. You could stop at X*+16, the last HP node.
Attack or Defense?
I have three rules of thumb ( see Notes ).
Boldtusk is both on my rainbow team and a healer for fighter quests ( use emblems to get emblems) so he gets DEF&HP.
This would also be true of Delilah and Rudolph.
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