Blue ascension and wizard emblem decisions [Poll]

Hi guys, hoping to get some opinions on which blue deserves my next set of scopes since I’ll probably be taking a pause on heroes after this one to focus on troops! I’ve been lucky with landing good blues and these are now all at 3/70. However, wizard emblems are extremely scarce so I’ve tried to account for this in my decision making.

  • Celimene
  • Amphitrite
  • Thalassa
  • Ceto
  • Azurite
  • Tremor (absolutely no emblems)
  • Milady (absolutely no emblems)
0 voters

Speaking of scarce wizard emblems, I finished levelling up Jana and need to re-emblem a hero but not sure who. I use all of these heroes in wars so it’s a harder decision for me than usual. I’m leaning towards DL (as purples get used the least offensively in wars, and he’s LB so still strong where as cHel would be unusable if not emblemed), Tinsel (as I have Adalinda and cFinley for DD), Arco (as I only use him against fiend summoners), or maybe Alfrike (as I also have c2Quintus I lean on during rush). What do you think?

  • Arco (LB)
  • Milena (LB)
  • Dark Lord (LB)
  • Faline (LB)
  • Tinsel
  • cLord Loki
  • cHel
  • Alfrike (only used in rush)
0 voters

Thanks for your help :grinning:

Thanks everyone for voting! Surprised there’s not more love for Thalassa after her buff which makes her quite good. But I already have cAriel as a health booster so guess going with a more offensive hero isn’t a bad idea.

There is some resistance to opinions about here even after they were significantly buffed. Some think until today that Ingolf sucks because he was very bad at release then got buffed substantially. With Thalassa the problem also is she’s new and many people, myself included, are starting to get lost among all the 5*.

Anyway I suggest Celimene because she’s unique and has that mana boost. And will play nicely with Adalinda.

About reset: DL. Snipers, unless very fast and with some added bonus such as Goretooth, are not very handy these days. And DL has no priority dispel or something to make him useful against omnipresent LB2 taunters.

Edit: Celidana → Celimene

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Thanks for the advice! Also agree there’s so many 5* that it’s hard to keep track, even names get mixed up. I believe you mean Celimene not Celidana (the yellow HotM) haha. I’ll sit on it a bit longer but for now I will definitely strip DL.

Yes, I thought Celimene. I always confuse the names of the two.

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Ah yes, troops. The way I figure it, the faster I get my wizard troops up the faster SG will drop the next thing. So really I’m taking one for all of you and sitting on my mana troops so that we don’t have start over on 5* troops/LB troops/etc… No thanks needed. :wink:

I went with Thalassa because of the buff. Most of those options are great though, so I have no doubt you’ll be fine.

And i also went with Alfrike over DL. If for no other reason than she’s been my tank in rush since I pulled her all that time ago, and someone else needs to have a go.

Good luck! :sunny:

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It does not rquire rocket science to predict that Thalassa will frustrate with the tide thing…
I voted for the fantastic and lovely Celimene.

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