Sorry for having two questions in one post, just thought it’d be better to consolidate! Thanks heaps for everyone who contributes, even if I don’t directly reply your post (as sometimes it’s straight forward enough). Everyone on this forum is always so helpful
Emblems on Dark Lord of Milena?
I’ve never had a 5* wizard until now, and now I have two! So just wondering who you think needs emblems more and which talent path I should take (i.e. attk/def or def/hp)? I’m guessing if it’s Dark Lord I should go down the attk path but with Milena I have no idea!
I already have an emblemed blue healer (i.e. Ariel) and an emblemed purple sniper (i.e. Seshat), so neither would really fill a gap, unless I use Milena for her second charge as I don’t really have any strong blue attackers, just Frida. I also might use Dark Lord on my defence team sometimes so I’m learning towards him, unless Milena is squishy and needs it more.
Ascend Bobo or Vela?
I previously had a topic of Vela vs Alexandrine and everyone had suggested Vela given I already had Ariel as a healer (and now also Milena). But now I’ve pulled Bobo and was wondering if he would be worth ascending over Vela? Heard he’s great for titans but still works at 3/70, so is there much benefit of ascending him over Vela or is she still more versatile? I definitely find Bobo more interesting and I prefer his artwork, so I was leaning towards him but I’m biased haha.
Currently 5* blues are my weakest colour and I only have Frida and Milena, for a mono team I often have to utilise 4* blues such as Kiril, Grimm and Zila Lei.
Thank you all!