I’ve been planning to max Black Knight once I get 2 more rings, but I just pulled Zimkitha in Atlantis. Which one do you recommend? I’m leaning towards Black Knight unless someone can change my mind.
Black knight is more titan and defensive inclined.
Zimkitha more an offensive hero, with her useful fast cleanse.
I’m more a BK fan, but both of them are really good.
I’m running Zimkitha in my defence since I got her in her first appearance as a hotm. Never regret it. She’s holding me in diamond rank. Her cleansing and her attack boost are pure gold for me and my team.
Wow, congrats! This is a great problem to have both are very fun heroes and depending on the rest of your team, you can’t go wrong!
I’d say look at defense vs offense and what you need but also consider which you will enjoy more! I think the chat bubble with BKs special is hilarious so it would be an easy choice for me
Both great choices. I’d like to have either one. Black knight makes a really good tank if you need a red tank. zim is great too.
Can’t go wrong with either one.
Wish I’d pulled BK, but not at all sorry I leveled my Zim. I was lucky enough to pull her last December and she’s been a staple of my defense and offense ever since.
I’ll echo @Killen-time … you can’t got wrong either way.
Thanks everyone. It will be a tough decision once I have enough rings. I have onatel as my tank now but was planning on replacing her with black Knight and putting onatel as a flank
BK will go down as one of the best tanks ever released. The amount of damage this guy eats as 1hp is insane. I only wish I didn’t have so many emblems invest in another barbarian (Kage) otherwise I would have spent those resources on him as soon as he was maxed.
Black Knight is unique. I’d go for him.
Wow that’s problem I wouldn’t mind having, some people just have nothing but problems in life
Black Knight for sure, both good though.