I can do here as for you in a minute, the easiest formation is probably the reverse. It gives you two tanks and it has a nice balance in regards to Heroes firing from left to right.
If you’re like me I just run the standard formation but you want to have a quality tank to do that. I do it because it’s how I check my defenses for war and get a good analysis of how quality my defenses for war are.
Double is a lot like reverse but it really just comes down to positioning and firing sequence for Your Heroes. Maybe you have a cleanser or
Dispeller that you want to run all the way left, but isn’t strong enough defensively for the tank position.
Double reverse is a special formation only for very specific purposes. If you have a hero like LOTL for instance the three front and center tanks completely block every column and therefore the back to heroes are untouchable when it comes to tiles until one of the front three Heroes have been killed. This would protect her Minions on the back Heroes and ensure that tile damage does not take away their ability and makes the attacker forced to use a special skill on those back targets to get rid of them. So it’s primarily ran to protect something special I guess you could say or to prevent offensive color stacking if running multiple Heroes the same color you can protect like Colors by putting them in the back row. A lot of people like to run strong fast Heroes like Guardian Panther and put her back there with another fast purple for protection. Sometimes people will put a heavy hitter back there and those certain cases it can really dictate how the offense has to operate who they attack first instead of them being able to choose but it’s not something you would find useful very often.
So with your Heroes and set up I would definitely run a standard formation with Sobek, C Kadi, Diaochan, Jove, and Zagrog.
Sobek is usually found more at flank but he’s a good option on the wing as well when you have the healing and protection available. I like him at left wing with this setup because he will attack first when he attacks and because he bypasses defensive buffs he may be able to remove a few Heroes or prevent Heroes who fire after him from being affected by those buffs.
C.Kadi being fast could make it tempting to put her on the wing but her productivity and usefulness is much more apparent when she is in the flank compared to a wing. Especially considering she only has a three turn special which is extremely helpful and you want to have her firing is frequently as possible. Doing maybe tempting but it’s not even close to her effectiveness and that is why Sobek is pushed to the wing.
Diaochan is an amazing hero with incredibly talented minions who like to steal buffs which is huge in defending against taunt and Dodge Heroes combined with their fast healing to keep her team safe and is purple which is highly used in war type settings as far as tank goes.
Jove is an outstanding new hero who does a huge amount of damage and even though he’s fast, putting him on the wings and moving Sobek to Flank may seem like a good idea, I believe that he is also a hero who should be front and centered to ensure that he is firing frequently and often. Also give some the opportunity to possibly be protected through Diaochan minions who also would aid in stealing buffs for his protection as well. This also makes you really fast out of the gate which can be devastating for offenses trying to attack you. He is the focal point in the centerpiece of your team.
Zagrog is another buff bypasser which gives you a second on top of your healer who’s minions steel buffs which almost renders the offenses ability to utilize buffs to protect themselves useless. I like him on the wing to ensure he goes after the multi-hitters and takes care of any possible single Target cleanup that might be left over and do so effectively.
I tried Zagrog and tested it with my friends account and saw the raid history, not as good as when I use c. Santa. So right now I’m currently on W formation (double) with c. Kadilen on the left, Jove center and Sobek right, then Santa front left, Diaochan front right.
Santa firing almost at the same time with Jove and Sobek is surely deadly. The only drawback from these is that C. Kadilen doesn’t fire as often as when she was my flank.