I was thinking of using 1 of these alternatives…
Both are insanely good, but option 1 w/ Frigg + Odin and 3 ninjas is what I would fear more.
or if I can be so bold - reverse formation with
frigg - bera - cobolt - onyx - odin
But since this is just for raid defense change it to all Danzaburos so I can fill my raid chests easier.
Oh and the WHY part…
I fill my raid chest twice daily normally - that’s a struggle now, and it’s all because of Reverse formation. It’s just better.
I like double and r-double in theory, but giving attackers hit-3 a hit-all target isn’t great.
Reverse V formation. Garnet-Frigg-Cobalt-Odin-Onyx
You definitely don’t want Odin or Frigg to die too soon.
You might not want them to die, but you want them to fire as fast as possible for the defense / mana down.
Raid defense teams arent about trying to make a fight long, its about punishing your enemy as fast as possible. Unless you are building a Crampus build they tend to work with prolonging fights.
Therefor I would stick with running Frigg/Odin the way he has posted
Garnet, Onyx and Cobalt are common (in geology terms). Frigg Odin…
Vote #1 for my useless post.
Thanks everybody for the feedback
Put Garnet on the right wing.
Frigg- Cobalt- Onyx- Odin- Garnet
Because defensive timing
And stronger element pairing for wings
Without taunt any double defense is made of paper, and gets shredded by hit-3’s
With taunt any double defense is still inferior to reverse