The epic heroes are very well-balanced (unlike the legendaries). There are very few duds among the fours and most are capable of playing a role to play in a balanced team.
That said, there are some in each color who stand out on a defense: Boldtusk, Wilbur, and Colen; Kiril, Grimm, and Triton; Buddy and Hansel; Rigard and Li Xiu.
I think today I’d go with Triton-Boldtusk-Li Xiu-Buddy-Rigard as the best epic defensive team.
I should say, it’s been looong time since I raided with and against nothing but fours. When I did I remember hating teams with two healers—but maybe that was because I didn’t have many to attack with.
If I was running just one healer, I’d go Triton-Rigard-Li Xiu-Buddy-Colen.