Best 4* team?

What would you suggested a s the opt 4* team for offensive raids? I am struglling with team composition SO any your proposed set could be useful for me.

Actually i van swap 4* heros in yellow, green and purple white Sonya and Boldtusk are my only strong cards which I cannot replace.

I am askina about due to collection of 300 gems which aloes to pull elemental heroku but i am hesitsting which coloue should it be.

So to sum up what is the Best 4* A-team for offensive

If we’re starting with Boldtusk and Sonya, I’d say Caedmon, Li Xiu, and Tiburtus or Rigard.

Rigard could replace Boldtusk but Sonya and Caedmon have the same quality. Maybe it would be better to put some one else in the slot?

I wouldn’t. You can’t have too many debuffers when attacking, as far as I’m concerned, and there are no other four-star greens that are as good as Caedmon. (Little John is good, but I like him more on defense than offense.)

Cabin Boy Peters would be the only exception, but I assume he is not an option.

I see. Wonder if instead of Li Xiu I could put Chao as he is fast mana-charging and single decreasing mana.

I notice different approavh towar forming offensive raids team: Quick strong singiel target hiters vs mixed balanced supporting team mates.

On offense, I strongly prefer to have (at least some) targeted muscle rather than broad damage heroes. Taking out an opposing hero takes its special off the board and, perhaps more importantly, creates a hole to run gems down to power up your specials. Targeted heroes can also work around riposte and take out a troublesome hero hiding in a corner. They also tend to be fast mana, which can be important.

To stay on topic, my 4* lineup defaults to

  • Rigard
  • Caedmon
  • Grimm
  • Boldtusk
  • Hu Tao or Wu Kong
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Interesting proposition:
2 healers, one buff, second debuff enemies,
2 single target hiters, one fast, second average
1 multiple target hiter but mostly debuff (HuTao) or buffing own team.

So you opt for second option in my previous post.

i’ve been pretty happy with my current team:
it covers the spectrum pretty well (2xheals, 2xdebuff, buff removal, buff, and 3 decent strikers) also gem damage is pretty good for titan fights (grimm would be better than sonya as his gem damage is higher and having a second debuff would be a nice boon)

Interesting—I see Jackals value as greatest as the “one”of a one-two punch with another yellow. I pair him with Musashi, but really any yellow will do. Your happy with him as a solid yellow?

his gem damage is pretty high and his power charges so fast that he can often get his next attack off before the debuff goes away. i do like to pop in a second yellow when i go up against a dark titan, though.
i’m not super impressed with most of the yellow 4* heroes though. i have a hu tao and he’s ok. li xiu is ok as well, but jackal does better than both. high power and super fast charge for a strong attack.

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I run double Jackal for raiding (one is only lvl 60, the other fully ascended) and it’s a pretty amazing combo. They charge at the same time (very fast mana) and paired up can snipe just about any hero.

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I know he’s not popular, but I like Leonidas for his mana reduction with Jackal, or Vivica as my healer/debuff.

i would be happy with either of those if this game would only see fit to finally give me a 5*. sadly, it does not think i’m worthy

But not on a 4* team, as per OP. Jackal + Jackal or Jackal + Chao seem to be the best holy duo.

Oops, you are right Kerridoc, on 4*_team l use Li Xiu. Hoping for the monkey this year.

ill think that better team

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For a four-star titan-hitting team, that is pretty near ideal. I’d probably swap out Kelile for Boldtusk and just use banners for the attack buff.

my opinion is that the best 4 * team is : boldtusk (or Colen), Rigard, Kiril, Caedmon and jackal

What would it be now? Buddy best green?

Evaluated on his own, Buddy and Hansel are the contenders for best green 4*. In a team with one of the Ramming Pulverizer boys, I’d want Hansel. Otherwise I’d want Buddy.