I have my third set of rings to bring my third Red Five star to greatness. I currently have Zim and Marj at 4.80. I am thinking I would only use either Azlar or Elena on the very fast tournaments and maybe for titans since they both have high tile damage. I appreciate your input, thanks!
Azlar. He is just more impactfull.
For titans Elena is way better and for raids her riposte is more useful than Azlar’s DoT, I would do her.
Hey, I was in your exact shoes with this decision earlier this year . I started to level Elena first and then , switched to Azlar whom I gave the rings too.
But with the recent buffs to riposte, I find myself using Elena in Wars , rather than Azlar . But I have used Azlar in the fast mana raid tournaments.
Other than that Azlar is just there, when he works on offence it’s fantastic , but I find him dead most times before .
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the help!
I have Azlar and Elena and not sure who to level…I’m working on Marjana and Ares before them anyway, so I guess I will have time to decide, I’m not too moved by them.
I feel like I’m either case, when I get to leveling one/both of them I will probably stop at 3/70 unless all other reds that are worth it are already ascended.
@Ugito and @LadyAchilles, what did you both decide to do, and how did it work out for you? I have Azlar at 3^60-something and just pulled Elena. I have 11 rings, so I could actually max them both. (I’ll pull another set of rings before I would need them.) With both being slow and squishy, though, I don’t think I probably should max them both. Just looking for input from folks who have used either one or both on how they work.
I did elena first because I use her on titans and also in my red stacks (especially against AoE hitters like Azlar, lol). I use Azlar in war only. All depends on your play style, but Elena suits mine better.
I have them both maxed and emblemed. I stack them with Boldtusk for a devastating effect. They both have attack stats above 800 and boosted by BT’s War cry lay waste to any enemy defense…soon as they are charged, battles tend to end extremely fast.
So, in my situation where they are my only two legendary reds, would you still max both? I have the mats, but I worry about their speed and squishiness. I’m also using fighter emblems for Boldtusk (currently +14) and then changing to Poseidon (currently +2), so no emblems for Elena. Sounds like they work pretty well together for you. I didn’t realize Elena’s attack stat was so high until I drew her today. Yikes!
@Noble_Weasel I went with Marjana lol
Eh, I see that now. Reading comprehension fail on my part!
I use Elena for the same reasons
I’m f2p, I don’t have the luxury of being picky… They are my only red 5* and I use them extensively for raids and flanks for a blue tank on the defense team. I have no problems keeping in the 2500 - 2600 cup range. Actually I think that as a team they are amazing together. While Marjana is fast and hits hard, she only hits one target… Azlar and Elena both hit all, and when boosted by BT, there’s nothing stopping them. As for their squishiness… I constantly win raids against 4400+ teams using them… it’s just a matter of choosing the right opponent and getting some red tiles. On defense, I feel safe around 2450 - 2500. Trouble starts when closing in to 2700…
Same. I’ve taken plenty of flack for giving scopes to Thorne, but as he’s approaching max, I’m starting to feel OK about him.
Speaking of Thorne… Will be a while before I could test it out, but I wonder how something like Domitia - Elena - Thorne - Azlar - Poseidon could work out on defense.
It’s my goal to get to that point pretty soon. I’ve just switched in Domitia and Thorne on defense as they approach max. With three legendaries on defense, I’m hoping to hold closer to 2300 overnight, where I’m usually between 2150 and 2250 when I wake up now.
I’m not one of these that has aspirations of hitting number 1 globally or anything, so that would be fine.
Thanks for the info. If nothing else comes along, it sounds like I won’t regret giving rings to both Elena and the Big Lion.
Trade Poseidon for Elkanen and Thorne for Isarnia and you got my current defense. It will keep you in diamond, no doubt about it, you’ll just have to do some active raiding for upkeeping.
Nice. Thanks for the tip. Feeling better about this Elena pull already.
@Noble_Weasel I ended up going with Elena for this latest set of rings. She has worked rather nicely for me with titan stacking. As for emblems my fighter emblems are going to Sir Lancelot and to Misandra if I can ever get my sixth telescope.
Elena for titans / quests / challenges.
Azlar for raids.
Defense would depend on how you combo with the rest.