I have Lianna and Magni (as 5* that I want to max for sure)
I have Elena and Azlar as my other red 5*
I need one of them to be tank, and I am not sure which to chose between those two? or wait for Marjana?
Can you please help?
I am using TC20 to get heroes, and rarely do special summons, I am limited to regular 5* heroes
Elena or azlar are both best choise… I maxed out Elena and she is very very good everywhere: titan for tile damage offensive raids cause of counterattack and skill damage and as tank or flank in defense…
I like Azlar more for defense. They both have a hard time firing their special, and will often be at low health if they do cast. Elena’s extra damage from riposte requires that your heroes be healthy enough to take significant damage, whereas Azlar’s is guaranteed unless dispelled.
Agreed with Warflord: Elena’s great, but she’ll often be so close to death by the time that she fires that her riposte special isn’t going to do that much, plus it’s possible to work around. Azlar, on the other hand, may be close to death when he fires but his special is still devastating. Plus his tile hitting power is way up there for titans.
I wouldn’t wait for Marjana. If you’re a f2p or c2p, you could be waiting a very long time before you draw her from a TC20. Also, to be honest, I would much rather face a Marjana tank than an Azlar one. She’s probably more useful for some other things, but on defense not as much.
I agree, the odds are very low to get Marjana from TC20, no use waiting on her. As they say, the best hero is the one that you have, I’m sure you’ll be very happy with Azlar.