No Frida to help all this blue??
I find it quite logical to “hide” him.You want him to live long in this tournamwnt.As long as his buff is not active he is not very sturdy.
Does Frida give any buff? Don’t have her.
Then I would go:
BT Magni Boril Frida Wilbur
Or think that you might switch Magni <-> Frida.
I thought about it, but i prefer for Sonya to dispel before Grimm, so Grimm doesn’t commit suicide
Haha… Nice idea.
So good for me Frida is left side. She will debuff first
Any thought on my team? i also have gormek maxed with emblems and wilbur . Just I think ursena buff whole team, and wilbur also buff other team
Zimkitha - Frida - Ariel - Poseidon - Alasie
Some pre-tourney prognostication for fun (and to see if the feel we’re getting for the three star tourney relates to the 5* tourney):
My best 5 team power score with troop: 4080
My predicted/anticipated starting point: 630/631 (4* tourney started 610 with 3875 TP)
Predicted top teams starting points: I’ve seen 4400+ TP running around in diamond, so assuming that is the top (I think 4420 was the highest I saw), then let’s say the top teams will probably start at a score of 660-667 on their ladder.
Anticipated scoring wall: I think things probably get squirrely around the 675 mark, and max defenses are probably worth around 675-685-ish (maybe as high as 690). I might be off on that, but each of the other tourneys had defenses no higher than around 10-15 points above the top teams starting points on the scoring ladder.
First day top score before defense assuming 5-0: probably around 3360-ish to 3370-ish.
My first day score before defenses assuming 5-0 (and all other things equal): 3225-ish
My anticipated ladder:
- 630
- 637
- 644
- 652
- 659
Unless I’m completely wrong and 5* tourneys operate differently. Guess we’ll see as I haven’t really observed one yet. Good luck everyone.
Well, at least I have Cyprian accompanying my defense team this time around. Defense is gonna be Grimm, Sumitomo, Proteus, Chao, and Cyprian. I do not really have many heroes that benefit from this tournament. Quick question though, for Sumitomo, does he get a double boost as his counter attack does both the standard effect and the mana gain with each hit? That I have never been sure of.
I’ll try to gather some info on this one, though I’m not particularly confident in 5-0, I’ll hope for the best.
For tracking purposes, the highest power I can put together is 4111, I forgot to watch the default team it tried to give me though. My raid defense is 4106, because I have Li Xiu in there instead of G.Jackal, heh heh.
Good luck with the tournament, folks! May you all have great success, except against my defense.
Good gaming!
This might be a terrible idea, since Sabina, Seshat, and Proteus/Hel are going to be popular, but I’m thinking of trying this for Defense:
I was considering putting Grimm +18 in somewhere instead of Ranvir, but I like the buffing and the potential for slash attacks against elementally debuffed enemies being fatal or nearly so if other buffs are active at the same time.
EDIT: thinking maybe I’ll bail on that idea and run this instead:
I would guess so since they are different buffs with distinct icons. But I have no idea how to prove despite an answer from the devs.
@bhushan The first one because with QoH, she can annoy the living daylights out of most attacking teams.
@ViserionLives would be nice to compare notes on our similar defenses best of luck to us!
I’m not brave enough to use a Red this tournament, considering people will be stacking Blue everywhere. And I have just enough good heroes in Blue and Purple and Yellow that I don’t need to consider using a Red (also because Red is the only color I don’t have a 5* in…)
Rngesus didnt want me filling my raid chest this morning. 5 tourney hits and 6 raids = 38/40 on chest.
… continue
defense team : Seshat - Kiril - Boril - Grimm - Poseidon
1st day tournament
defense win/loss : 0/1 (Grade E)
offense win/loss : 4/1
score : 2,405 & rank : 146,435 (Top 25%)
1x lost against Frida+5 emblem tank… oh noo… fired skill twice!
but the rest I can handle
with mainly this teams:
Kiril - Boril - Grimm - Seshat - Proteus
I did not have changed my attack team so far.