🏴‍☠ [Aug 2020] Pirates of Corellia Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

I’ve been creating text versions of @Mariamne’s stage guides that can be posted in game chat, with this one for Pirates of Corellia.

I’ve tested this post using Bluestacks as well as copying it from my cell phone.

Because of chat limitations, this is meant to be sent as 4 messages as indicated.

Expand to copy into game chat

Pirates of Corellia
Reflected: :elementdark:
[#4396ff]F = Finley
[#ff2508]CK = Captain Kestrel
[#10ff18]LL = Lady Locke
[#a569bd]MT = Marie-Thérèse
S = Sargasso
B = Boomer
[#10ff18]P = Peters
[#4396ff]V = Vodnik

Element(s) for waves 1 & 2 / Boss stage in order
1: :elementdark::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#4396ff]V :elementnature:
[#ffffff]2: :elementdark::elementfire: / :elementdark: [#10ff18]P :elementdark:
[#ffffff]3: :elementfire: / :elementfire: [#a569bd]B :elementfire:
[#ffffff]4: :elementdark::elementnature: / :elementdark: [#10ff18]LL :elementdark:
[#ffffff]5: :elementdark::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#ff2508]CK :elementnature:

6: :elementdark::elementnature: / :elementdark: [#4396ff]F :elementdark:
[#ffffff]7: :elementfire::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#a569bd]MT :elementnature:
[#ffffff]8: :elementfire::elementnature: / :elementfire: [#a569bd]S :elementfire:
[#ffffff]9: :elementdark::elementfire: / [#10ff18]P [#4396ff]V [#a569bd]B
[#ffffff]10: :elementdark::elementnature: / [#a569bd]MT B

11: :elementdark::elementfire: / [#10ff18]P [#4396ff]F
[#ffffff]12: :elementdark::elementfire: / [#10ff18]LL [#ff2508]CK
[#ffffff]13: :elementfire::elementnature: / [#4396ff]V [#a569bd]S B
[#ffffff]14: :elementdark::elementfire: / [#10ff18]P [#4396ff]F [#ff2508]CK
[#ffffff]15: :elementnature: / [#a569bd]MT S [#10ff18]LL

Also for @CaptainjaKCsparrow -

About Avalon

Sorry I missed getting the one for Avalon out. I had been very busy, and also was frustrated with the game after seeing the final HA.

I am still frustrated because I think that

Instead, we would like to, at some point down the line find a better way to solve the problem (referring to retiring duplicate heroes) so that it would be accessible to a wider range of players.

is simply kicking the can down the road about finding a solution to a problem they have no intention of actually ever solving. But they wouldn’t want to say so because then people would then eat heroes they would never level instead of buying more hero space. Maybe I’m wrong. But in the meantime I’ve been spending a lot less time on the forums as well as playing less. Anyways /rantover - but I thought I’d give you an expanation of why I didn’t get the requested Avalon one done.

In case I take another break from the forums here is a list for the other 4 challenge events so they are all here in one place.

Links to all the other challenge events

Wonderland - 🍵 [Apr 2020] Riddles of Wonderland Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #29 by FighterJack

Teltoc - 🗿 [June 2020] Guardians of Teltoc Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #4 by FighterJack

Grimforest - 📘 [May 2020] Fables of Grimforest Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #20 by FighterJack

Avalon (finally) - 👑 [Jul 2020] Knights of Avalon Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results - #274 by FighterJack