Hello CaptainjaKCsparrow, glad your alliance liked it!
Here is the one for Teltoc:
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Guardians of Teltoc
Reflected: :elementholy:
[#10ff18]C = Guardian Chameleon
[#f4d03f]G = Guardian Gazelle
[#ff2508]K = Guardian Kong
[#f4d03f]O = Guardian Owl
[#a569bd]P = Guardian Panther
[#ff2508]F = Guardian Falcon
[#f4d03f]J = Guardian Jackal
[#a569bd]B = Guardian Bat
Element(s) for waves 1 & 2 / Boss stage in order
1: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#a569bd]B :elementnature:
[#ffffff]2: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementholy: [#ff2508]F :elementholy:
[#ffffff]3: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#f4d03f]J :elementnature:
[#ffffff]4: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementholy: [#ff2508]K :elementholy:
[#ffffff]5: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementnature: [#a569bd]P :elementnature:
6: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementholy: [#f4d03f]G :elementholy:
[#ffffff]7: :elementholy::elementnature: /:elementnature: [#10ff18]C :elementnature:
[#ffffff]8: :elementholy::elementnature: / :elementholy: [#f4d03f]O :elementholy:
[#ffffff]9: :elementholy::elementnature: / [#ff2508]F [#a569bd]B [#f4d03f]J
[#ffffff]10: :elementholy::elementnature: / [#10ff18]C [#f4d03f]J
11: :elementholy::elementnature: / [#ff2508]F [#f4d03f]G
[#ffffff]12: :elementholy: / [#ff2508]K [#a569bd]P
[#ffffff]13: :elementnature: / [#a569bd]B [#f4d03f]O J
[#ffffff]14: :elementholy: / [#ff2508]F [#f4d03f]G [#a569bd]P
[#ffffff]15: :elementnature: / [#10ff18]C [#f4d03f]O [#ff2508]K