Thanks @TriNitro! I pulled Alfrike awhile ago and I still don’t know what I’ll do with her. I have Telluria as my tank, so I have been watching the forum for ideas. For now, I’ll put her back in the closet and continue with my other purple projects.
Little off topic: i like Alfrike a lot she makes a fantastic tank and made it directly to my farm and event team. However, i would not suggest leveling her (as most other very slow heroes as well) as long as you have other good heroes (snipers, healers etc) to finish. Alfrike for me is kind of you-have-all-you-need-now-its-time-for-some-fun-hero.
Same here re: Wilbur and adding team survivability. I even take him to blue titans for that reason (highly non-ideal, but what can you do).
Wu is another staple on my team, and because of his color and the fact I have two Jackals, I score a lot higher on purple titans than any others. My titan teams bearing in mind Wilbur and Wu are always there:
Red: Grimm-Triton-Lepus
Blue: Almur-Caedmon-Hansel
Green: Falcon-Gravemaker-Scarlett
Yellow: Tiburtus-Jabberwock-Ursena (sometimes I swap out Wu for cRigard)
Purple: Jackal x2, Malosi
[quote=“TriNitro, post:42, topic:195500, full:true”] Alfrike for me is kind of you-have-all-you-need-now-its-time-for-some-fun-hero.
This is true. Though in my case, I don’t really have all I need, but I’m at that point in the game where I see/ use the same combos everywhere. Mindless Attack isn’t that common, so it’s a fun change, and also a little challenging to time correctly. That’s why I put it in as an edit rather than a main point - it’s something to keep in mind, after you have your foundation teams built
@ThePirateKing, @B1gHeadAss, @BubblesUK, @rho, @Circe, @TriNitro I wanted to follow up on this thread regarding my titan attack score success. All my titan scores per element have increased greatly! My alliance is currently attacking 11* titans. I’m scoring between 40k to 80k per flag! This is a huge increase for me as I would barely get 25k per flag against 11* titans prior.
My next goal is to get over 100k and prepare to start attacking 12* titans with similar success. So my question is this - should I start embleming my titan team heros along with war team heros at this point? My focus up to this point had been more around my defensive team heros and raid team heros for emblems. But I feel to truly be a all-around player and to increase my rate of ascension materials, I need to better my titan teams. What are your thoughts?
Congrats on your increased titan scores!
I already see your next goal after that one is fulfilled - be prepared, it is not continuing forever.
Let me add some thoughts on that topic…
From my personal perspective, the order for embleming heroes is something like:
defense/war team key heroes used in wars
heroes used often
titan teams
But once again, this is just my personal thinking. However, I have started embleming some titan key heroes - in some cases due to lack of other heroes in that class, in others because i use the heroes universally throughout the game. By the way, when embleming heroes for titan teams, I tend to focus on increasing their attack stats.
I would be careful to emblem heroes that might be replaced by better ones in the near future. For example, i would not emblem Wilbur as defdowner for an anti-purple titan team, as there might be a chance to substitute him with costumed Vivi or White Rabbit. I would not hesitate to emblem heroes that are useful for other purposes besides titans as well and that you use alot. In my case that are heroes like guardian Panther, Elena, Tarlak. On the other hand, i am still undecided to giving Miki emblems - however, there are too many good heroes in that class…
Great advice @TriNitro! Miki, Wilber, Tarlak are the heros I was thinking of putting emblems on first for a titan perspective. I use Miki and Wilber almost daily for titans and war attacking. Tarlak I use for some titan teams and some war attacking teams. I feel like I would get more out of embleming Miki and Wilber at least to +7 for Miki and +20 for Wilber. Am I getting ahead of myself? I figure I would not do this until I got GM to +18 and Joon to +18 as well. I have one more talent upgrade to get Joon to +18.
As for the other heros on the titan teams, I figured I would add emblems to the heros as I See fit/need for needs in defense, wars and raids. Make sense?
Congratulations My experience With Titans is that once your heroes achieve a certain level of synergy in specials and are surviving a few hits - the next score jump comes from battle items and increasing your game speed.
@Circe what you say makes sense to me. I use timestops, hurricanes and minor mana potions. If the titan has DoT damage, I use minor antidotes as well. If not, I use titanium shield. Is there something else I should consider in place of one of these?
So for the order, do you fire def down first then elemental defense down or elemental first?
This is from @Circe. I have been using this as my guide. It has worked for me.
I usually just choose whichever debuff is higher damage percentage first. It’s really only going to affect the special skill damage that immediately follows. You just want them all active for your tile damage.
With the HoTM, Zocc, how do folks see adding him to the green titan team? Or would you add him to all titan teams? My current green team is
Who should be removed? Zeline?
I don’t rate Telluria on titans at all. Mainly if you fire her, her minions slow everything down, and you’ve only got 90 secs to do maximum damage. You’d be better off with a higher attack stat hero of any type, whether you use their specials or not. Whether Zocc would be better I don’t really have an opinion at this moment in time, but would hazard a cautious “probably”.
@ThePirateKing, @B1gHeadAss, @BubblesUK, @rho, @Circe, @TriNitro It’s been awhile since I have discussed improving titan hits, but I have more questions! Currently, I use the following team against Purple titan:
Miki - Wilber+20 - Jackal+11 - Joon+19 - WR
After pulling Guardian Gazelle in the recent Teltoc event, would it make sense to replace Wilber with Guardian Gazelle and with the following team instead?
Guardian Gazelle - Miki - Jackal+11- WR - Joon+19
Hoping to pull Guardian Panther as well. Will have to wait and see.
Why do you need Wilbur in the line-up in the first place if you have WR and Jackal? Just for spirit link survivability? I would’ve used another yellow high tile dmg hero instead.
Regarding Gazelle, from my understanding, Gazelle won’t stack with Miki b/c gazelle removes all buffs. If you use mana pots and/or tornadoes, I think I would stick with Miki for higher attack buff and use another high tile dmg holy hero: Jackal - WR - Joon - tile dmg yellow - Miki.
If you decide to hit without mana/tornadoes, then I would do: Jackal - WR - Joon - tile dmg yellow - Gazelle
Congrats on your pull btw!
Congrats on your pull! I don’t have gazelle so can’t comment. I also use emblemed up Mist with Jackal-Joon for purple Titans. She makes those specials hit even harder!
@B1gHeadAss This makes sense! I moved Guardian Gazelle to the top of my Holy leveling list. Hope to have her leveled over the next few weeks. I will test out your suggested teams at that point and let you know how it goes. There are times I go only with mana pots against certain titans especially if I’m working on emblem upgrades and building upgrades where resources are tight. I plan to try both lineups to see which will be better. I have Mist+11, Leonidas and Poseidon as my possible 2nd tile dmg Yellow. I’m leaning toward Leonidas for the mana control as well. Thanks for the feedback!
I “finally” broke 100k on a titan hit! 118247 on a 11* rare Red titan! Booyah! I swapped out Wilber for Sonya on my Blue team! Huge difference! I used the team of Sonya-Miki-Finley-Magni-Athena! Worked great!
Grats… It is or should be a goal for everyone playing this Game…
Now for the 200 K Hit