Seeing you already have a well-developed roster, I would do Lewena. Solid hit all and covers a niche no other hero does.
She can also have a good synergy with other Raven heroes if you have them. Asterius is ok, but does not feel special. I would do him if you’d use him with Isrod and one more villain.
Santa shines mainly in rush, but I feel Lewena’s skill block would be more important there against Mother North and others
Thanks…That is the order my gut has been telling me, in truth it’s probably between Asterius and Lewena with Santa as a wildcard.
The one thing does make me look at Asterius 1st is he looks like he hits like a truck and could fit a nice blue/red 3/2 war team with Isrod and Crystal who I have.
That sounds indeed like a solid team, especially if you don’t have another Raven to pair Lewena with.
Somehow though I think that you have plenty of solid teams and if you are are like me, personally I prefer to experiment with new type of specials than just have another good hero.
I would most want Asterius for my roster to help with titans and all event type things (challenge, towers). I would 100% use him there. Other ones would be depth attackers who would get used less often.
Santa’s defense down is tempting. I was originally going to suggest it but I think @The_Seeker has good logic here.
So definitely not Santa.
Would Asterius help with titans or events? If not, I’d go lewana.
Yeah seeing as I have Saorse as my D down red option already rocking 20 emblems I think we can officially put Santa in the 3 spot and remove him from this conversation.
I can see plenty of pros for both the other 2, but have never really seen them in raids so is difficult to judge how they are to go against.
It’s really comes down to how useful that talent blocker is, I mean for me the resurrection of a fighter is 99% of the time merely an inconvenience, but if she can fire before others to block the evade, that would be a game changer…. Shame she doesn’t run fast with less damage!
Be keen to hear from anyone who runs either of those 2.
I’d vote for Asterius. 360% to target and nearby enemies is like khagan (380%) hitting but on Average Speed. His big upside is that Corrosive Burn defense down stacks with general def down and elemental def down (upto and additional -48% !). Also 114 Burn per turn for 3 turns, especially if you can hit with GM on top of that. Burn, baby, burn!
The corrosive burn should also stack with general burn. I don’t have GM, so didn’t verify. use Asterius, Falcon, and Wilbur on my Titan team, they all stack for Def down.
Asterius all the way. The stackable -defense down + family bonus from pairing with Isrod… The other 2 are not even close. Santa C with your roster is garbage, and Lewena is extremely situational. With Asterius being an option, the other two are not even close.
Because he was released weak and only buffed afterwards, he’s easily overlooked, but after the buff he is a monster, definitely top 3 average speed reds, and I’d personally place him in top 5 reds overall at the moment.
Yeah I have Marj C, I purely ran this to test out the 2 D down stacks (Asterius is at 1/1, pulled today) so I had to pick a level to keep him alive but be able to withstand Saorse).
Titan team will be Miki-Saorse-Marj C- Asterius and BK/Isrod… just need to pull Octros at end of month and that would be rather nasty!
I’m genuinely grateful for all the comments and thoughts from everyone
I have all three. I did Asterius first and he is huge in a black night, Costume Marjana, and Asterius combo. He can be hitting in the 900s-over 1000s and wipe a lot of teams out. I have Lewena also maxed now at plus 15. She helps but really is on my second red team. I would go all Asterius first. C-Santa is sitting at 3-70…
Yeah I think Asterius is underrated or mostly forgotten since he wasn’t popular before his buff, but now he’s a beast at average speed, particularly with his stackable DD and corrosive burn.
Inspired by the insights into Asterius, I decided to do a 10x pull for League of Villains. Asterius popped up as well as Isrod! Thanks so much for good luck!