Red dilemma (who to level first - poll)

So I have this dilemma and can’t decide between two heroes, and even tho one is probably a little better, I will get full family bonus for both - whoever I chose.

So it’s between cVanda (unfortunately no Dracula yet) and Asterius (who have been first in queue for a long time but I keep getting other options).

Asterius is most likely better in most cases (except against Alfrike) and I do got Toxicandra maxed and Dark Lord sitting at 3.70 waiting for tabards - the thieves family bonus seems pretty nice if it’s maxed.

cVanda is also a good options, specially for that aliment block and maybe for making fiends harder to get rid of (could pair well with my Khepri). The family bonus (maxed) is also great and I do got Matilda and M&M (neither is maxed at the moment tho).

Red 5* rooster:
El duque (LB+20)
Elizabeth (LB+20)
Khufu (LB+20)
cAzlar (LB+20)
Emilio (will fight for emblems with Asterius and Liu Bei-got enough for two)

Mono red team against green titans:
Boldtusk (c bonus), cWilbur, Khufu, El Duque and Elizabeth/cElena.

  • cVanda
  • Asterius

0 voters

Your welcome to motivate your choice and sorry for long post.

It’s funny I prefer C Vanda, but already having Emilio, I think Asterius will serve you better.



Same as above comment.

By the way I love my Vanda. But you have Emilio.


Try get Franz for that titan team, as to heroes I agree with the above :slight_smile:
And you would probably do more damage if you used a defdown hero instead of Boldtusk and then get attack up from some item.

I have Franz but unfortunately I have a never ending need for mana items and Franz really need those I think. But I will def. try it out, thanks!

I voted for C. Vanda.
Asterius is very good, but adds nothing really new to your roster.
Vanda protects all allies against ailments, she is a lifesaver against Alfrike in VF war. The new buff steal is an effective dispell. Dispell is rare with red heroes.

Happy gaming

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