Good day ladies and fellas, the time to level my second 5s team has almost come. I have almost made my mind about who to ascend, but I would like to get also your advices.
My current 5s defense team is composed by:
Poseidon - Zimkhita - King Arthur - Evelyn - Seshat
All fully ascended and with various emblems.
My choices for the next team would be:
Blue: Aegir 4/33, Thorne 3/70, Miki 1/1, Rumplestiltkin 1/1, Richard 1/1, second King Arthur 1/1. I already started Aegir, then Miki till 3/70 for Titans
Red: Anzogh 1/1 and Azlar 1/1. I’d go for Anzogh but also Azlar tempts me for his insane AoE and DoT damage. Also I’m a big fan of Colen and use him quite a lot, Azlar is a pumped up version.
But I also think about the combination Wilbur, Boldtusk/Zimkhita and Anzogh… a nasty one. Considering also we usually run blue tanks in war, they could be nice flanks for Arthur/Aegir.
I’m t(h)orn(e)
Green: Kingston 1/1, Elkanen 1/1, Horgall 1/1. Kingston is my choice, though I liked the idea of having Elkanen pumped up by Evelyn
Purple: Khiona 1/1, Ursena 1/1, Domitia 3/70, Aeron 1/1, Sargasso 1/1, Obakan 1/1, Mokk-Arr 1/1.
My idea would be to ascend Khiona, as I also have around 400 Rogue emblems unused… I am thinking about using her as a tank, as Rogue’s evade ability is great in that role.
I think a nice raid defense would be Poseidon, Aegir, Khiona, Anzogh, Kingston
Yellow: Vivica 1/1, Leonidas 3/70, Justice 1/1. Also, soon there will be Neith, and I’ll try to get her, in that case it will be her and one of those three.
I would go for Vivica, although I’m disappointed by the costume, I would have preferred her to remain a cleanser rather than a dispeller.
What would be your choice in case Neith doesn’t arrive?
I am inclined to Leonidas, as I believe I have enough heroes that could act as a tank.
Last question, which raid defense would you set up?
Thank you for your advices