Yellow hero- who to ascend

(HUGE sigh of relief) I am dying over here and BEGGING for expert advice from my super smart EnP buddies!!! I can finish ascending ONE yellow hero. My dream team to choose from is Onatel/Inari/Vivica/Posiden/Joon…

I already have these heros. Any advice on who would best benefit my all star team :joy::rofl:

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You have Delila and some another healers so Viv can wait.
You have some good snipers, Joon is awesome but he and Poseidon can wait.

Inari or Onatel
I will go for Inari but if you want have offensive yellow 5* I will choose Onatel.


Thank you for your advice… This is so tough lol

My opinion is either Joon or Poseidon.You have Delilah,so no need for Viv.
Inari and Onatel can wait…


Your yellows are in dire need of a sniper, particularly considering that you have Jackal for the 1-2 combo. Poseidon or Joon, pick your poison, either is fine. Poseidon is more durable for defense and has noticeably better stats, but Joon hits a tiny bit harder and the blind is probably more useful on offense. Either one should be able to one shot pretty much any hero in the game if following Jackal. If you need a sniper for D go Poseidon. If you’re looking for a harder hitter with a more useful ability on offense, go Joon


I’d go Poseidon/Joon too if I were you. I don’t have Joon but have a maxed Poseidon and love the 1-2 with Jackal. Also, Kunchen is a lot sturdier than Viv and his def debuff on opponent is much more useful than her def up imo (but I like offensive healers).

I’m actually in a similar position to you, only I’m choosing between Ranvir, Leo, Inari, Viv and Justice… I see your Inari is 3.70, do you find her useful?


@Kitten Thank you for your advice. I do find Inari useful…Many times in raides or War battle the opposing teams heros will attempt to hit me when I’m on my last limb with a special and I’ll see “dodge” over my hero. This allows my heroes special time to go off and I pull a win. Her passive strength is incredible. I agree Kunchen is an incredible healer /tank…


Inari is a lot of fun, but kind of squishy. Don’t let the naysayers turn you away from Ranvir. If you dont have Tarlak, Ranvir is going to be golden for titans, and people are seriously underrating his ability in raids and defense. He is not just Wu. He is fast, is packaged with a Caedmon sized hit, and deactivates itself when the opponent has less hp (you are less likely to want to gamble and risk coming up empty if you’re ahead or if the opponent only has a sliver of health and doesnt need the damage bonus).

Admittedly, Ranvir isn’t going to be the easiest or most straightforward hero to use, similar to Onatel, but I sincerely believe that once you learn how to best use him he has a very high skill cap that people are overlooking.


I just stopped by to tell @Gee333 how jealous I am of that roster. RNGesus and you go out to parties on the weekend? Does he sleep over? You can tell me, he snores like a broken nosed lumberjack right??


Thank you! But I do have Tarlak… this was a very very lucky Atlantis for me. Had just taken Ranvir to 3.70 and have been using him a bit but I never had Wu, so it’s been hard for me to get used to the missed stuns on titans. I do still like him though and agree with what you wrote


I’d hold on Vivica since you have Delilah.

Poseidon and Joon are a safe bet.

Ranvir is awesome for Titans and Raids (considering he cancels)

But Onatel… I really, really hate going against her…

You have a few safe options, but the best one would be to add a Sniper alongside your Jackal, so Joon or Poseidon.

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@PapaHeavy haven’t talked to you in awhile ! I think I may possibly be addicted to the game ( only slightly though). This roster came with a price my friend ( before i disconnected paypal). :joy::rofl: I am finding it harder to "ask " for permission than it is to “ask” for forgiveness lol bahahaha


Lol, understood very well my friend. Glad to see you doing so well. All these 3rd world problems must be weighing you down :wink:

One of these days my roster will catch up, along with my bank account, but that day is not today :joy:

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@Mr_Style_Points Interesting I havent thought to level him over the others…before now. He is an upgraded version to Wu. Oh man! You just made this more confusing lol Well I’ve eliminated Vivica for now at least . Thank you for you advice. Gives me a lot concider.

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@Gee333, I pulled Ranvir myself. He’s going to be pretty useful against Titans. He’s pretty much a 5* Wu. Plus he does 230% damage AND has +46% defense against dark! Yea, he replacing my Wu once he’s ready


Thanks everyone for taking the time to help. This is one reason I LOVE this forum…such a wealth of knowledge out here. Blessings !


I use Wu ALL the time and if the board is right -paired with Delilah - I almost always pull a win. I guess I just didnt realize Ranvir’s strength…He probably will clean house fully maxed.

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Unquestionably it has to be Joon.

Fast mana
Hard snipe

That blind skill is very useful. Even against titans.

As your first yellow attacker, it has to be the most versatile on the list.


I mean he comes over on occasion. But he rarely hears me complain when my odds are not forever in my favor. Dude digs that :heart_eyes:

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:joy::joy::rofl: I knew it!!

20 things that I know

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