Ascend Grazul or emblemed Anzogh? LotL or Kingston?

Hey guys, I have a couple of questions and would love to get your thoughts!

Which 5* red to ascend?
I know that Grazul is a better hero to ascend from what I’ve heard, but emblems are used with Ariel already where as I don’t currently have any 5* wizard class heroes so with Anzogh I’d be able to emblem him up at least 5-6 nodes immediately and continue to do so. Based on that, would there be any advantage to choose Anzogh over Grazul? Otherwise if Grazul is way better I can just save up emblems for when I’m done with Ariel (which isn’t too far off).

Which 5* green to ascend?
I was leaning towards Kingston because I don’t have any fully ascended green snipers (only Tarlak, Margaret and Alby), but then I only have one 5* healer (Ariel) and I don’t have any other green healers either, while I do have green 4* (Peters & Hansel) and 5* (3/70 Lianna) snipers.

Also not really looking to use any of these heroes in my defense team so this is mainly for offense, raids, tournaments etc. Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:

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Alby is also a healer :slight_smile: I do believe that you need a good Nature damage dealer and I completely agree Kingston is the better choice. Not to mention that Kingston is fast.

Not sure what other Fire heroes you have, but Anzogh is Average, while Grazul is very fast and the resist to ailments will probably worth much more on the long run than the relatively low damage from Anzogh. The +4% mana to Fire heroes is also more useful in my opinion, plus Grazul is as useful without the emblems, just less sturdy.


Oh right of course, sorry I never think of Alby as a healer for some reason - but rather a ‘reviver’ haha. Yeah that makes sense on the Kingston choice!

Oops in terms of fully ascended 5* red heroes I also have GM x 2, Ares and Mitsuko, but I also use Boldtusk and Wilbur quite a bit too (and I have Guardian Falcon in training). I was also considering ascending Red Hood or Guardian Kong, but from other discussions I’ve read it seems like Grazul is likely the best choice. Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:


Grazul is fine without emblems.

G kong is a beast on offense, but he is fragile (v low def) and needs a team built around him to see his full potential.

I hv anzogh but never levelled him. I imagine he will need a team similar to kong while grazul is useful by herself

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For Greens I would normally say LotL, but since you have no Green Snipers I would choose Kingston in this case. He’s pretty good and I use him quite a bit on offense and titans.

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I would choose Guardian Kong before Anzogh, as Kong deals more damage and red cleanse is so rare.
But for red very fast Protection, Grazul is great and she is already sturdy without emblems.

Alby and Tarlak both are healers too.
I would choose Kingston 1st, then LotL and Melendor, then Lianna.


With her mana speed Grazul doesn’t need emblems to be workable. I wouldn’t hesitate to ascend her.

I think LotL is a better hero than Kingston, but he fills a more important need for you. He isn’t the heaviest hitting sniper, but his debuff is excellent. LotL also really needs emblems since she is relatively fragile for a slow hero and there are a lot of excellent heroes competing for those Sorc emblems. Kingston is going to scale well with emblems, of course, and the revive talent is one of the best, but if you don’t have the emblems to spare for him he will still do alright simply thanks to his mana speed.


Thanks guys for the advice, it’s much appreciated! Think I’ll go with the general consensus and ascend Grazul and Kingston first :slight_smile: