Another "Who to Ascend" Thread!

Yep, this is another thread of who to ascend! Thanks in advance for your advice.

Here is my link -

I have the mats to ascend 1 hero of each color, except I only have 1 D. Blade. I’m a bit hesitant to make an ascension decision in the middle of nerf/buff central. Thoughts?

100% Heimdell, especially with Telly being nerfed more

I agree with Froggy. You have plenty of great 5*s already ascended. Heimdall.

@FroggyRay @pb9921

Thank you for the advice! Mainly, I was going back and forth in my head between Heimdall and Zeline. My alliance mates are on the same page with Heimdall, so he will be my next one.

I will probably wait to see where Telly falls to before moving emblems, but I can feel that coming true in the near future.

Depends what you need really telly I think still will be viable as tank. I’d wait on it for a bit.
I’d maybe start on atmos your lacking nature hitters. Nice rosta

I’d personally wait as well, especially with so many new and good heroes releasing this month.


I will freely admit that I HATE, DESPISE him with all my might. Waste of Tonics.

Disclaimer: The view represented above are strictly my own and others may feel free to disagree :slight_smile: