Another who’s next to work on (this time it’s green)

Just finished Peters, updated list of maxed greens:
5* - Evelyn
4* - Caedmon, Melendor, Peters
3* - Berden, Muggy
I have The Hatter at 3/70 and I have 5 tonics and 9 shields. Just waiting for that last tonic. In the meantime this is what I got that I haven’t started:
5* - Horghall, Kingston, Lianna
4* - Gadeirus, Little John, Skittleskull
3* - Belith, Mnesseus
I also have Kashrek at 3/38 but he’s a part of an experiment I’m doing just using the tournament offer trainer heroes so I’m not considering him for my next green project. Thoughts on who I should go for next? I didn’t have hardly any of these green heroes when I began the month.

Kingston (preferred) or Lianna paired with Evelyn is great.

The Shrikewood event should be coming soon so you’ll have the necessary tonics & shields to fully level them.

Kingston, Lianna, Evelyn
Caedmon, Melendor, Peters