Alliance Advice - Help!

Hi Shere, if you are curious, you can visit other alliances to see how you feel, I invite you to ours, so you can see for yourself the dynamics we have.

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If you have level 23+ mana troops join Blood Brigade top 1000 everything reliable active alliance is open , line id supreme514


We will have one spot open after war,
Pls check us out
Crew Knights

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Thanks, @Macaque1902. I’d like that. Will set up Discord and reach out to you.

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Thanks, @Saltyy. Always great to meet new friends and who knows where this may lead.

A big thank you to everyone for your kind advice, encouragement and offer to check out your alliances.

Let me take a little time to explore. I’ll reach out directly via Line/Discord to get to know you and your alliances better. Maybe visit a few alliances for 1-2 week trials if that’s ok.

I’m looking forward to finding a home with a like-minded team and continuing to have fun. :+1:t2::rainbow::blush:


Llamegeddon fits your desires

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Another family of alliances to consider. Below is the Flag Ship. We haven’t let a 14* Titan escape since I joined about a month ago yet the group is totally chill. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my tally of ascension items.

Give us a go!

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Oops here is the screenshot!

Freq from TBD, here.

We always welcome folks to come try us out and see if we’re a good fit. Feel free to stop by our discord server and get a feel for our alliance. If you have any questions, just drop them in the chat channel. We’re a pretty talkitive bunch, and folks from all sorts of time zones, so there’s usually someone hanging around.

Also, we’ve got a trampoline out back, we lay out a good spread of drinks and snacks, and I’m pretty sure @Luna
is in charge of fireworks every Friday night (or maybe it’s Sundays, I can’t remember).


Cool! Thanks, Freq. Will drop by for a chat later.

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It’s time for you to search for a better alliance :wink:

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You’ve done great in such a short time. I hear you with the attitude thing. I’d try and have a chat with the leader. If that doesnt work then think about moving on. How full is your alliance?

Sadly the leader is part of the problem with 4 accounts and a no-show around 1/3 of the time for titans even though the rules are a 3-flag minimum.

For an alliance with 26 members, it used to be on average of 6+ no-shows per titan. Since the 3-flag minimum was implemented, it’s better with an average of 3+ no-shows per titan. Then there are the ones who do minimal damage with 1-2 flags.

So at least 20% - and sometimes up to 35% - of the team are not pulling their weight.

Shere, the condition is the following, if you don’t feel comfortable in that alliance, for whatever reason, you should look for other alternatives. For this game it is to have fun, have a good time, not to have more stress or discouragement. That’s what real life is for.
My advice, go and visit various alliances, make a list of your expectations; * titans, wars, atmosphere, number of members, things like that and after making your visits, having fun, you decide for the one you like the most and feel that you want to be part of…
I congratulate you because in a short time you have achieved a lot. It’s time to take flight and not cut your wings.


Lider .liderlik yapmıyorsa arkadaslarınla beraber yenı bır klan kurun veya liderle konusun daha aktıf olsun 4 hesap acacak kadar zamanı varsa gırsın oynasın . Bu klan ıcınde halledılır . Burada sıkayetten cok kendını övmek için yazdıgın gıbı duruyor. Her sey konusarak cozulur . Bu arada basarılarının devamını dılerım .

Sorry I don’t know Turkish but from what I understand using Google Translate…

My intention is neither to seek praise nor to complain but to try to state the facts of my dilemma as clearly as possible and to seek constructive advice from the community here. This includes where I am now in the game as well as what is happening with the leader and no-show members.

If it comes across otherwise, I apologise for any possible miscommunication. That is not my intention at all. Perhaps a case of lost in translation?

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the situation in your current alliance might be like in the UN security council.

old members of the alliance are permanent members while you and other new members are non-permanent members.

hard to punish permanent members.

luckily it’s a game, there are still many alliances out there. :joy:


@XiaoYan …. Great analogy! :joy:

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Will be great to see you in TBD :turtle:

Maybe join us for a week and have fun

Fireworks every Sunday evening :slightly_smiling_face:

And @Owzat throws an Indie Party :upside_down_face: