Hello there, it’s my first time posting but I need some help.
I’m currently in a nice alliance(581 days) with great people but I feel it’s becoming boring with the unused flags in war and we can’t really hit over 8* titans lately.
So I’m looking for a little upgrade
I’m level 68 and CTP
I have 16 maxed 5* and 15 5* at 3/70 and enough mats to max around 5 more 5*.
I have a deep bench of 4* and 3*
My first set of troops are between lvl16 and lvl20
And 2nd set are lvl11
Red: Garnet, Elizabeth or Gravemaker
Green: Telluria or Heimdall
Yellow: Sif or Sir Roostley
Purple: Bera ( just pulled her. not maxed yet but I have the mats)
Blue: Raf, Morel or Milena( not the best options)
I’m looking forward to Wars with rotating Tanks and and free use of my flags. Don’t really looking for too much pressure to where I Must use them or to be forced to do 6 clean up for other players. Yes I want to help the team but I want to improve my gameplay too.
I hit titans daily(average around 300k on 7* titans) but I don’t craft many harpoons.
If you are still looking you can consider Infinite Waters. We are an international collective with mid to high level players: FTP, CTP, P2P the whole spectrum. All flags are used in war when opted in with rotating tanks dependent on type of war, and currently 11-12* titans are reliably hit by all. War is even FFA with a winning record, so it takes some of the stress off.
LineID: ruckusep, we can send you a link to check us out on discord, or stop by in game… happy gaming!
Hi, Jordan. We have two alliances, one moderately competitive (taking into account real life problems), the other more casual, basically a resting / training place, with free flow among them. You are more than welcome. Check us out: Gem Hustlers recruiting - #6 by anon81045434
Whats up bro, if want to join a fun alliance. That’s very competitive without all the alarms going off come look at Rising Dawn, we are a world wide team that has been a great alliance. Just come knock on the door and say AAAAAAOOOOOHHHHH! Just check us out one war you’ll stay for the family promise.
Hi @JordanV as @Sarah2 highlighted we normally fight 8 to 10 star titans at DeRaptors.
We are a relaxed bunch that enjoy winning, but realise that life comes first and things happen. Our only real rule is that if you miss war flags then you sit the next war out. We like to get the enjoyment out of talking about the game, picking apart heroes and defences and why some things work and why they don’t. Me and @Chadmo are a little obsessed at times with how much we talk about the game
We don’t rotate tanks, with the exception that we have one colour (currently blue) for most wars and purple for VF as a number of the group were lucky enough to get Alfrike and it let’s her be used to the best of her ability.
If we sound like a good fit stop by or if you have questions we can answer here or you can get me on Line my ID is kiltedexile
The Last Legion family of alliances is recruiting and we have a mid level alliance, Legion of Hunters, that may interest you. Our wars are free for all and currently run blue tanks for attack boost wars, purple for rush and green for all others. All flags are used or member must opt out of next war (this is strictly enforced). Let us know if you would like to discuss further.
Bg crazy gang Bg is a bulgarian team, but most of us speak english. We use all flags in wars and kick 9* titans. We are waiting for you with 10* Red titan :))
Bonjour chers et chères guerriers, guerrières spartiate,
L’heure est au recrutement pour notre jeune et prometteuse alliance.
Nous avons fondé une toute nouvelle alliance appelée The Darkwitchers.
Pour l’instant nous combattons des titans à 7 étoiles et nous sommes 15 spartiates dans cette alliance.
Nous avons besoin de renfort pour la faire progresser et par la même occasion nous faire progresser.
alors si toi aussi tu as envie de progresser, de te battre aux cotés de valeurs guerriers et guerrières acharné(e)s tant sur les titans qu’en guerre alors rejoins-nous!
L’ambiance est familiale, l’état d’esprit est celui des joueurs qui jouent pour gagner, le tout avec humeur et sans prise de tête.
Aucun niveau est requis, on demande juste un investissement total sur les titans et en guerre si inscrit.
Une dernière chose est obligatoire, le sens de l’humour!!!
Voilà si tu as l’âme d’un spartiate et le coeur d’un mage noir alors viens combattre à nos côtés!!
J’espère à très bientôt valeureux, valeureuses, guerriers, guerrières Ahou