| All Heroes Database | Filter & Compare Heroes + Summon Simulator

Hello everybody,

today I want to announce the next big thing of => The Alliance Portal

After a quick registration you are able to import your heroes based on ingame screenshots.
Detection of hero name and power will improve over time and will be adjusted based on beta detection results. Currently the detection rate is already quite good with close to 80%.

You can filter your imported heroes with all filters available on

If you create an alliance on and share the join-link with your members, you will be able to see all heroes alliance-wide. Suggest rosters to your alliance members and discuss it. Setup your own rosters for reference as well.

Feature overview:

  • Import heroes based on ingame screenshot
  • Filter imported heroes with all filters
  • Create an alliance and let your members join
  • see all heroes alliance-wide
  • suggest rosters to alliance members and discuss
  • setup your own rosters for refrence

The alliance portal is still in beta. Please report bugs here or via mail.

What features are next in development?

The next feature to be developed will be choosen from all incoming feature requests


Hey @Jason9013, fantastic work, this is really great. One suggestion, on the summon simulator, if you click ā€œSummon Heroā€ a bunch of times, the tool will try to process each request, and Iā€™m sure thatā€™d cause it to crash eventually. You probably want to grey-out the button while there is an active summon simulation running.

Dear Jason,

thanks for your work and effort. Your database and filters are features which I am also missing in the game.

Any chance we can get an ā€œadd heroā€ button so we can do this manually? But then pics will be missing I guess. Tried the 3-row upload and recognition failed but 3-rows of heroes donā€™t fit the screen of my mobile well.

How about duplicate heroes? Can your site/data base handle this?

How about to update a hero when his strength has evolved?

Looking forward to your answers. :slight_smile:

To improve your simulator you could adjust gem costs since a single Atlantis pull is even 350 gems.May be you can also consider the reduced offers for 10 pull and something.Just some small notes.

Keep it going!

Hi Vikingblood80,

Thank you for your feedback.
You are right, that pictures would be missing for manually added heroes. Pictures from other users should not be accessible from my point of view.

For the import - did I get it right, that you would need a 2-row option to be able to properly import your heroes?
Duplicate imports - so the same hero twice - is no problem.
The strength can also be edited in the my Heroes overview by clicking on the pencil icon.

The Simulator actually deductes a gem amount after 10 pulls to reflect the correct pricing. But indeed Atlantis is not priced correctly.


I like playing with the simulator.

It brings me back to reality lolā€¦ 60x summons and no 5*!! Just like what really happened in the past Atlantis :joy::joy::joy:

So this simulator plays around with the exact same odds like the real summons right? Spectacular!!


Did another 100x pulls of elemental summonsā€¦ of the whole 100 only Sartana and Quintus.
Yeahh this truly reflects real time summons with real money that I have been experiencing as of late. Except the Sartana and Quintus are both Obakan lolā€¦

I like this tool. The next time I wanna waste even more bucks chasing after Kageburado for god knows how many pulls alreadyā€¦ I will be sure to play around with this simulator first and bring me back to reality of the gatcha and the odds.

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Me too.

The first Atlantis 30-pull simulation was just great. Got all missing 3* and 4* heroes (Mnesseus, Gadeirus, Wilbur) + Poseidon and Vivica, both of which I donā€™t have and I would need a new yellow 5*.
Too good to be true. :slight_smile:

:thinking: If you use Sonya (sheā€™s at level 19) as an example for attack you get: 700 Ɨ 3.45= 2415 attack. This seems like too much. Have I done it wrong or is there something missing?

For defense: 749 Ɨ 2= 1498 + 1191= 2689. Did I do THAT right?

Are these actually the correct numbers?

What do the #s behind skills like attack and defense mean? ie: attack-5

hi amrath,

these refer to the amount of targets the special category is applied to.
So Attack-5 means - the special skill attacks 5 enemies = aoe.
Heal-5 of course means that all 5 allies are healed.
For Nerfs and Buffs the default assumption is, that nerfs are always for enemies and buffs always for allies.
For exceptions like Wu Kong decreasing the allies accuracy there are special categories like Accuracy-Nerf-5-Own

Thank you @Jason9013. All your hard work and time are extraordinary. I certainly donā€™t have the know how to do this. :hugs:

Dear Jason,

thx 4 your response. Yeah the 3x5 option did not work properly (I got a ā€œfailā€ by detection for every hero) but this may be caused by my screenshots.Next time I will use the 2x5 import option.Iā€™ll let you know.

So at first Iā€™m planning to import my fully leveled heroes as there could only be changes in talent level.

I learned from the board that it is useful to use the ā€œdirect replyā€ button cause other users will get a notification then. This time I nearly missed your reply.

Thx againā€¦Iā€™ll let you know about my progress.
Cheers Viking

but there is no 2x5 option yet thats why I was asking if you would need one.
Could you try again by sticking to the rules and let me check your import if a 2x5 option is really necessary? Just import some heroes and tell me one of the import ids - it is visible on the details of each import.

Not implemented yetā€¦I see.

My screenies donā€™t fit 3 rows as your software would need it.

I tried to increase the resolution of my mobile but it had no effect when beeing ingame.

Hey Vikingblood,

I just wanted to implement the 2x5 import option and was surprised myself that it already exists :smiley:
I thought 4x5 and 3x5 is available but its actually 3x5 and 2x5.
Could you try to import again and tell me the import ids?


I tried with your screenshot and its really bad quality / resolution. You should set the resolution to a rather high one even if this is counter intuitive if something is not fitting. But with 2x5 option I got correct crop results - detection is bad because of bad quality / resolution

Iā€™m pretty sure its because of the upload here on the board the image quality is reduced. I can try with the original one when I find the time.

@Jason9013: Hi Jason,

I tried the upload of my heroesā€¦it worked but it was not very handy so I skipped it and did not use it any further.

I spotted some hero properties that are missing:

  • Athena does extra damage against fire on 3
  • Gravemaker does extra damage against nature on 3
  • Danzaburos special could be split in more detailā€¦I searched for ā€œdefense buffā€ but got no match with himā€¦

If you find the time it would be nice to add filters for DoT (fire, poison,sand, bite, water)

Are you going to add costumes? Would be niceā€¦

thanks dude for the feedback.

I am currently very busy with other projects but here are my answers on your message:

The hero import how it is implemented right now is the only feasible semi-automatic method I could think of. I am open to suggestions how to improve the method but unfortunately SG is not providing an API to get the playerdata electronically.
I am aware that the current method is way to dependent on accurate slicing of the screenshot.

Regarding the hero properties - I have added the tags for Athena and Gravemaker. Danzaburo has not been updated as it would end up with too many tags destroying the layout.

Damage over Time (DoT) of all types is tagged as Round-Damage-X

I am lacking some heroes since the event and couldnt find time to even add these. Problem for costumes at the time they were introduced was the availability of images. With the next update I will check if the situation changed and consider adding costumes.


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So your work is for the community. But just do it together with the community. Very many alliances saving pics of all heroes on their line groups. Iā€™m pretty sure many will be able and willing to help you out and send the missing pictures to you.
If you find the time you just need to ask and tell which images do you need. :+1:

Thanks again

Natalya : extra damage against nature

I guess has been abandoned. Thatā€™s too bad. It was a great tool.