Alfrike or Clarissa

I got a lucky run on tabbards from some mystic visions and titan loot. Just finished Jabberwock and he’s been killer.

I’m leaning towards Clarissa or Alfrike to max next.

I know a very fast vs. a very slow hero seems like there’s an easy decision. However, I’ve been testing Alfrike in farming and even a few raids. She hits like a freakin sledgehammer when she finally goes off. Plus if she’s maxed in a rush tournament, I don’t see how I could possibly lose. Also, in anything but raids, it takes the same number of mana pots to get her to fire as any other hero.

Here’s my maxed 5* purples

Some of my maxed purple 4* s. Mainly use costume Rigard and Proteus in 4* events and tournaments

Besides Clarissa and Alfrike, here are other options to max

I have Puss in Boots maxed, so Freya could create a minion frenzy.

Telluria has most of my paladin emblems, which, depending on how hard we get screwed with this nerf crap, I could reset Telluria if they bugger her into oblivion and put the emblems on Clarissa or Heimdall.

I do have many wizard emblems. I could get Alfrike into +9 without having to reset anything.

I also have level 23 mana troops which could help Alfrike fire a little faster.

Puss and Freya is an awesome combination… They make each other better in all sorts of ways - healing, defence buff, attack buff, minion attack buff on both.

Freya has incredible stats too.

I’d do her again in a heartbeat.


I have Khiona and Sartana maxed and they go pretty good. But I would probably lean towards Clarissa, faster is better in this game.

I know you have Ariel now, and she might help Alfrike, but I can’t see very slow being useful tbh

Freya is pretty good, but I’d say Clarissa personally


There’s your pick there imo. I have her at 4.59 currently and she is beastly. Very slow is fully justified in Alfrikes case. Great hero.

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Alfrike is my fav hero currently of any dark or any element. Sadly, most I’ve talked to that have attacked me have stated she’s never gone off. I hope to change this once I get darts for Sif.

My fav darks to use and Clarissa doesn’t make the list. That’s just me though.


Are you using a mana troop with Alfrike?

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Yes, 30 troop mana defensively and offensively.

Because I was never planning to use her as a tank, I chose for more attack. She’s still beefy, but she really need a mana buff hero I think for defense.

image image

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I was considering using her as a flank when I have her maxed. Currently using Marie as flank and def does great with her so was thinking Alfrike with level 23 mana troop might be as, if not more, effective. And thanks for pic of talent path. Giving her emblems though means taking them from JF so not sure about that yet.

If and when she goes off, I’m sure she snatches would be victory. It’s currently hard to tell with the below defense when I do win, if she has contributed anything. I’ve seen no ill effects with having her in the flank when I’ve run it and it seems most who consistently beat the defense are hardened opponents.

But I have not a single regret. She’s very slow with good reason…I just wish she wasn’t lol

In any case, it seems I have more success at cup gain with her on the right. Making it less optimal for Finley on the right wing. However, I might also have to take into consideration that Vel and Tel is still doing the work on my wins.


Those are teams I would reroll if I ever saw them pop up.

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I think you got 2 tanks in this formation - Tellie and Alfrike, which means you can only use one of them in order to assess the effectiveness of their being tank. Otherwise, when you win, what the other does may be simply icing on the cake. What I mean is that, if your Alfrike flank manages to cast, the battle had been already deciced. This is quite similar to pairing Guin with Boss Wolf.

So based on the above, Alfrike may be best in the wings, but at the level of yourself and the ones who would attack you, the chance she would cast in that position is also slim.

If I find you in raids, I’ll record a clip for you. Besides Heimdall and Inari, I think there’s another effective way of counting her in flanks and in wings: taunt, so Black Knight or Queen of Heart and they happen to be red as well. Worst case scenario sacrificing them for a special that would likely be cast just once.


I would go for Clarissa for the element link (for titans). Alfrike is kool but very slow heroes are generally meant for defense.

Excellent point, possibly some great synergy there.

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i do have black Knight maxed. I also have Sif and Ariel maxed. I’ll test out the taint of black knight and the mana generation of Ariel and Sif to see if they create enough time for me to fire Alfrike a couple times.

Thanks for the input. I really want to max Alfrike.

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If you really want to max Alfrike, then I’d suggest maxing her, you have enough depth in dark that you can have some fun. You haven’t maxed a bunch (any) of slows, you have quality fasts, I’d max her and get around to Clarissa or Freya or whomever later, none of them are make or break heroes.

Let me know when you max Alfrike…i’m still waiting on two tabards. My debate is between Alfrike, Killhare or Clarissa.

Very interested to hear your feedback!

Still a tabbard short. But morlovia is due soon. If I get lucky and pull Myztero, I’ll definitely do him, but I’m not gonna break the bank for him.

I put two alfrike on flanks on Defense at 3/70 with gwen in the middle, 50%
Alfrike is so much fun playing with. You just went to see her go off.

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A new problem just arose. I got a second Hel from the tavern. I have one maxed already and she’s one of the best heroes in the game. Now do I max a second Hel before Alfrike?